Mabel Pov

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I woke up the next morning around 10:30 and made my way downstairs. I looked into Dipper's room and I saw he was gone. "Early rising little shit." I walk into the kitchen and see Soos and  Melody eating cereal and talking to Grunkle Ford.

"Hey, did you guys see Dipper this morning?" Soos and Melody shake their heads and Grunkle Ford shrugs. I jump up on the counter and look out the window. 

"Knowing Dipper, he probably went for a walk in the woods. He missed this place the most out of the two of us. He loves this place."

Melody 'awww'd and I grinned, and hopped down when Grunkle Stan came into the kitchen.

"Hey Pumpkin, Pacifica will be here later, so she'll show you what you'll be doin'. Where's your brother? I'm gonna set him up at the cashier with Wendy." He went to the cupboards and started pulling out ingredients to make Stan-cakes.

"Oh, uh-uh. Grunkle Stan. This morning, I'm making breakfast for you."

"Huh? Whadd'ya mean? I always make Stan-cakes for breakfast. Why stop now?" I pushed him to the table and he sat down. I grabbed a big bowl and started getting the ingredients together.

"Dipper took martial arts and knife lessons, I took cooking classes. Get ready for the best Mabel-cakes you've ever tasted." I hummed as I moved, partially ignoring the conversation behind me.

Third Person Pov

"Dipper took self defense classes? Why would the dude do that?" Soos asked and Melody shrugged.

Ford spoke up, quietly so as not to alert Mabel of their conversation.

"Dipper says he got jumped during their parents' divorce, but, he seemed to be holding back some information. He didn't say who jumped him, but I think it was more than just some classmates." The group talked quietly until Mabel placed a large plate of pancakes on the table.

"Ta da! My famous Mabel-cakes! 100% edible, and no, they are nowhere like Mabel juice."

Everybody served themselves some pancakes and dug in and a chorus of moans flew from everyone's lips.

"Oh my gosh, Mabel! You should be proud! These are delicious!" Melody said, her mouth full.

Mabel curtsied and went to the sink to start washing the dishes.

"Wait, Mabel. Aren't you going to eat some? Let us do the dishes, you eat." Melody stood up and moved beside Mabel. Mabel froze up a little, but then relaxed.

"Oh, no. I don't eat what I cook. I'm too critical. I'll just get some cereal in a bit."

"Well, then at least let me and Soos do the dishes while you get ready for work. I mean, your still in your jammies." Mabel looked down at her clothes and realized Melody was right.

"Ok, I'll go get dressed. I will be right back." With that, she hurried up the stairs to get dressed.

Mabel Pov

I pulled a pair of jean shorts out of my suit case and grabbed a Gravity Falls t-shirt to pair it with. I slip on a pair of sneakers and clomp back down the stairs. I hear laughing and I see Wendy, Dipper and Pacifica sitting in the gift shop. Wendy is sitting on the counter, Dipper is leaning on it behind her and Paz is standing in front of them.

"Hey Paz, Wendy! Dipper, you missed out on some amazing Mabel-cakes. Where'd you go this morning?" I wrapped an arm around Paz's shoulders and leaned on her a little. She giggled and wrapped an arm around my waist. I felt my cheeks heat up a little and sighed.

"Ok, so Mabel, you're with me today. We've got a pretty light day today, we're just gonna spend some time out in the woods looking for new attractions, then we'll be in here for the rest of the day putting displays together." We walked off, and I missed the contact with her.

We headed into the woods, and went about 20 yards in and began looking.

"Try to find stuff we can glue together to make something weird or goofy. That's what makes the most money." I nodded and started scanning the ground. 

About twenty minutes passed before I realized I hadn't heard Paz in a while. I looked around, but couldn't see her.

"Paz? Where'd ya go?" I walked toward where I'd last seen her, but she wasn't anywhere near there.

"Pacifica! Where are you?" I started walking deeper into the forest, looking for her. I called her name a few more times, but I couldn't hear anything back. I started to get worried, wondering where she would have gone.

"Mabel! Mabel, over here!" I turned and ran to her voice. She was kneeling down and looking at something in the ground.

"Oh my God, Paz! You scared the shit out of me. I thought something took you!" She looked at me funny.

"Really? You were worried about me?" She looked at me in disbelief, and I gawked at her.

"Of course I was worried about you! We're friends aren't we? Friends worry about friends. Anyway, what is it? What did you find?" I knelt down beside her and looked at what she had found.

"Oh my god, Paz, you found a-uhm. What is it exactly?" It looked like the skeleton of a dragon, but dragons don't exist, right?

"It looks like a fossilized dragon skeleton. Oh Stan is gonna love this!" She started prying it out of the ground with her fingers. It started to give way and I rushed to help her lift it out of the ground. When we finally got it loose, we set it on the ground.

"If it was a dragon, then it must have been a baby. This thing can't be too much larger than a goat. I wonder how it got all the way out here?" Paz said as she reached into her back pack and pulled out a dust brush and swept some of the dirt away from the thing.

"Well, let's get this thing back to the Mystery Shack and show this guy to Grunkle Stan! He's gonna crow!" We lifted it up and walked back to the Mystery Shack.

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