The End.

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A cardboard sign with the date and time written on it appears on screen. It's moved to reveal a smiling Dipper, standing in front of the Mystery Shack. He steps back so he is in screen.

"So I think I should end here. Nothing has changed much. Mabel and I are living in Gravity Falls full time now, and Dad is gonna join us next summer. Grunkle Ford and Stan are talking about another trip, but this time as a whole family. 

Soos and Melody are still together, and stronger than ever. Mabel and Pacifica are happy together, they made it official about a week ago. And Wendy and I are taking things slow. 

We're going out on dates and hanging out all the time. We discovered a new cave the other day, and we plan to go explore it once I'm done here.

So, yeah. That's the end. My story so far is over. The rest is still waiting to be written, but now that's my job. Thanks for hanging out with us. This is Dipper Pines, signing off." 

The camera turns off, and Dipper reaches over and grabs his backpack and follows his girlfriend into the woods.

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