Mabel Pov

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Paz and I had heard Dipper's door slam but we hadn't thought too much of it. Then, we heard Dipper yelling.

"Nobody knows about these scars, Not even Mabel! And she doesn't know because I didn't let her know!" He said more, but I didn't want to hear it. I left the kitchen and ran to the living room. Pacifica followed me soon after.

"I knew mom was rougher with Dipper than she was with me, but I didn't know about any scars! Why wouldn't he tell me? We tell each other everything, at least, we used to." I sighed and flopped down on the couch.

"Hey, you and Dipper are the closest family I have ever met. But what did you mean before that?" Pacifica knelt down in front of me and lifted my face to look her in the eyes.

"Mabel, did your mom... abuse you and Dipper?" Before I could answer, Dipper's door was ripped open and footsteps pounded out the door and I heard Wendy calling Dipper's name.

"Dipper?" I stood up and ran to the door. He was bolting through the woods.

"Where are you going?" He didn't turn around and soon he was out of sight.

"Wendy, what the hell is going on? What was all that about? Why did Dipper run away?" Pacifica ran out to hold me from falling to the ground.

"I-I don't know! I just asked him what he was afraid of telling me. I didn't know he was gonna go off like that!" Wendy slumped down on a log and her head fell forward. I walked over to her and sat down beside her, Pacifica following suit.

"It's not your fault, Wendy. Dipper and I are just, different. We're fucked up. Our dad tried to get us into therapy, but... nothing worked. Dipper still has nightmares sometimes, and I guess now I know why." I pulled my jacket tighter around me and continued.

"Dipper's always been the stronger one, and I guess the reason he has so many more issues than me is that he was shielding me as best as he could. I... I hate that he's so hurt and I can't help him." I could feel tears pricking and I tried to hold them back. Pacifica wrapped my hand in her's and I put my head on her shoulder and sighed.

"Well, we shouldn't sit out here, it's gonna start raining soon." Wendy stood up and we followed her inside. We sat at the kitchen table and just waited.

2 hours later

I was leaning almost entirely on Pacifica on the couch. Wendy was making tea while Pacifica was playing with my hair. I was getting tired and I wanted to sleep. I was warm, and comfortable and  I felt safe. Before long, I was asleep.

Pacifica Pov

I knew when Mabel fell asleep, and I motioned to Wendy to be quiet. We sat sipping tea and talking quietly about what had happened.

"Where do you think he would have gone?" Wendy asked before setting her cup down and shifting into a more comfortable spot on the floor. I thought back to the first time I had ever run from my parents. Dipper and Mabel had been gone for almost three months and my parents were fighting again. Mom hated that we had to live in an apartment, and I wasn't too fond of it either.

"When I ran away for the first time, I didn't care where I was going. I just needed to get out. I ran through town, and nobody said a word to me, no one tried to stop me or ask what was wrong, they just watched as I ran. Then I ran straight into Soos and Melody. Like, I plowed them over. Melody noticed I had been crying and asked if I was ok. I started bawling like a baby and they walked me to a bench and we sat there and just talked for hours." I remembered the day perfectly. It was the first time someone other than Mabel talked to me like I was more than a Northwest.

"They listened to everything I said and I felt so much better afterwards. When I went home, I felt like a whole new person." I took a sip from my cup and put it down.

"I don't think Dipper was running from you. I think he was running from whatever demons are messing with his head. I think you opened a box he'd been trying to keep closed and he just panicked." Wendy's head dropped.

"I never should have pried. I was the one who pushed him, it's my fault he's gone."  She clenched her fist and I nudged her with the toe of my shoe. She looked back up at me.

"It wasn't your fault he ran. Yeah, maybe you made him think of some things he was trying to keep down, but he needs to talk about them in order to heal from this. He can't ignore this, it'll kill him." Before I could get another word in, the kitchen door opened and Dipper walked in. He stopped and looked in at us. We waved and he waved back before heading into his room and quietly closing his door. I looked back at Wendy.

"Talk to him in the morning. He obviously feels somewhat safe around you, so he might talk about it." With that, I gently shook Mabel awake.

"Ugh, is Dipper back?" She rolled over and looked up at me, rubbing her eyes. I chuckled.

"Yeah, he is. But he won't want to talk tonight. Wendy's gonna talk to him tomorrow. Is it ok if Wendy and I stay over?" By now it was almost 11:00, and neither Wendy or I wanted to walk home at night. She perked up at that and she pulled us upstairs to her room. She pulled blankets out of her closet and made two makeshift mattresses on the floor next to her bed.

"Ok, who wants the bed?" We tried to tell she should take the bed, but she wouldn't listen.

"Ok then, Wendy, you take my bed and Paz and I'll sleep on the floor. That way you don't roll over on anyone in your sleep." We all laughed at that and Wendy threw a pillow at Mabel.

"That was only one time! But fine, I'll take the bed." We all got comfy and Mabel turned the lights off. I fell asleep looking at Mabel, our arms stretched out and our fingers intertwined.

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