Dipper Pov

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We drove back to the Mystery Shack and we talked and laughed the whole way. I was pressed in between Mabel and Ford and I couldn't have been happier; I was home. 

"I can't wait to get back to our room and put up my new posters! What'd you think Dipper? Excited to be roomies again?" Mabel was vibrating like she'd just given herself a triple shot of Mabel Juice, and it made me laugh.

"Well, actually kids, we actually renovated the shack a bit. Soos wanted to move out of his abuela's place, so we gave him and Melody the attic. Then we gave Ford Soos's break room so he wouldn't have to keep sleeping on the couch. And then we figured you guys would be coming back sooner or later, so we all worked together and added two new rooms. One's right off of the kitchen, and the other in above it. So it's like bunk rooms!"

Mabel and I looked at each other and I mentally sighed in relief. I loved Mabel, but I know we've both grown and sharing a room is something I don't think we'd be able to do. I shrugged and Mabel laughed happily.

"Good, now I don't have to worry about Mystery boy keeping me awake. OH! Dibs on the top room!" She laughed and we all joined in with her, laughing the rest of the way home.

And as we pulled up, Ford and Stan got out and went in to get Soos. 

"What's up Mr. Pines? Some new attraction you find?" Soos came out with his eyes covered. Ford motioned for us to get out of the truck.

"OK Soos, open your eyes!" Stan stood back as Soos opened his eyes. I almost started crying when I saw the big guy's eyes well up.

"Dudes! You're back! H-How? Why? When did you get in!" I couldn't resist it anymore and I ran to my best friend and we hugged. 

"I missed you so much, Soos!" I couldn't help it, I started crying a little and Mabel joined us and then Stan and Ford joined us and it was a big group hug and I finally felt safe and happy and loved.

We separated soon after and as Mabel got the updated tour from Soos and Stan, Ford helped me get all of our stuff out of the truck and into the shack. We walked to my new room first, and I put my stuff on my bed.

"Dipper, as happy as I am to see you, I'm concerned." Ford sat down on the bed and motioned for me to sit as well. I did.

"What do you mean, Grunkle Ford?" I picked at my finger nails, a habit I had picked up a few years ago.

"Well for starters Dipper, I've never known you to be too big with weapons, and yet you come back with a big hunting knife clipped to the back of your jeans. What's that about?" I tried to look away and come up with an excuse, but I wasn't quick enough.

"We know about your parents' divorce. Were you getting bullied at school over it?" 

"No. Nothing like that. It's just, I got jumped one night, and I decided I needed to learn to protect myself. So I enrolled in a martial arts class and bought a hunting knife and took lessons to learn how to wield it. That's all." He didn't need to know that I got jumped by mother while Mabel was asleep. Nobody needs to know that.

He looked skeptical, but he couldn't prove what I said wasn't true, or that I wasn't telling him the whole story, so he gave up.

"Well, if that's all, then ok. Just know that you don't have to worry about anything like that happening here, ok?" I nodded and we left my room to drop Mabel's stuff in her room. 

"Hey, do you kids wanna go to the diner for some dinner? You can say hi to some old friends there." We agreed and we all loaded into the truck after Soos locked up and called Melody. Soos and I sat in the bed of the truck so Ford, Stan and Mabel could have more room in the cab.

"Dude, you have no idea how excited everyone is gonna be to see you. Pacifica works with Lazy Susan at the diner, and I'm pretty sure she's working tonight, so she'll probably freak out. And Candy and Grenda are gonna be so happy to see Mabel. And Wendy is gonna be so happy to see you Dipper! She's been asking when you two were coming home for so long." I perked up when he said that and I looked at him.

"Wendy said she misses me? Really?" He nodded and then switched the topic so easily that only he could do it. I thought about it, and maybe Wendy did remember what she said.

We pulled up to the diner and we all got out. I held the door open for everyone else and when Mabel walked in, I heard the screams of excited girls. I walked in to see Candy, Mabel and Grenda in a group hug as my family looked on from a booth.

"Girls! I've missed you so much! Candy I love your hair!" I inched my way around them and sat beside Soos at the table. Soon after, the girls came over and sat down.

"Hey Candy, hey Grenda. How have you guys been?" I asked and Candy responded first.

"We have been good. We missed you both so much. Dipper, you got so tall. I love Mabel's short hair!" I guess we had changed a lot since we were last home. Mabel cut her hair short so mo couldn't grab it, and she liked it so much she decided to keep it. I had finally hit puberty, so my voice doesn't crack anymore, and I grew a lot, so I'm now like 6 ft.

"Oh my gosh! Mabel? Dipper? Is that you?" We turned around to see Pacifica coming toward us wearing a waitress uniform and a cheerful grin. 

"Paz! It's so great to see you again! I've missed you so much! How have you been?" Mabel jumped up to hug Pacifica, and the two of them held each other for a minute. 

"I've been pretty good! Mom and Dad went back to school to try and learn what they can to get new jobs, so I've been working here and at the Mystery Shack to try and save money so I can get my own place in town. Lazy Susan has been letting me crash on her couch for the last few months, but I've been pretty much couch hopping for a few years."

Lazy Susan called her back to the kitchen and Pacifica waved goodbye and left.

Ok, next chapter we get to see Wendy!!!!!!

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