3: Shocker

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"So this is where you work?!?" I stared in awe at the tall glass building.

"C'mon, slowpoke," I realized that Jin was so far ahead of me. I ran up to catch up with him.

Once we made it into the building, I took a glance at everything around me.

"Okay, Hyun-jae, don't talk to anyone here. Just say 'hi' and if they ever ask you your name, don't say it," Jin instructed. This must be for some professional thing. I shouldn't play with that kind of stuff that might get Jin fired.

After a couple of elevator rides, we finally made it to a... dance room? To my surprise, it was a dance room not some office working job I thought he had.

"You're a dancer?!" The idea popped right into my mind once I saw that room.

"Shhh! You're being to loud. Maybe I am a dancer, maybe I'm not. Just stay out here while I'll go look for my phone. I won't take long," Jin pushed me outside of the room and stood there waiting. I decided to sit on one of the benches that sat across from the room. I waited there patiently for Jin.

"And who are you, young lady?" I heard a voice right next to me. I turn my head in that direction and it was some man with really plump lips and was really sweaty. Gross.

"Hi," I did what Jin told me to do. This man is acting like a seducer. Please get me out of here.

"I'm Jimin. What's your name?" He leaned in closer to me.

I kept quiet. Jin was right for telling me in advance.

"C'mon, don't be shy, princess," his eyes were staring deep into my soul. I feel very uncomfortable.

"Who's that?" I then heard another voice. That man. No way. No, no, no it can't be! His face!

"Y-you you you're-," I stuttered.

"The Golden Maknae, yes," he proudly replied. What in the world?

"No, you're my.. you're my sou-."

"Okay! Let's go!" Jin bursted through the door.

I immediately got up and followed Jin out of the building. I can't believe I saw him.


It was around 10 PM and it was time for bed for me. I snuggled myself into my covers and surfed through my phone. Suddenly I got a text from him.

Supposed Soulmate:
Wanna ft 👉👈

What? Right now?

Supposed Soulmate:
Yeah... 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Supposed Soulmate:

Hey!! I said maybe!!

Suddenly, I'm getting asked to confirm a FaceTime. This boy, I can't with him. I looked at the screen, whether I should accept it or not. I made sure my door was closed before pressing except.

"Hey," I heard his deep croaky voice through the phone. My room was completely dark, so it was not possible to see my face, but I could see his. It's him. That's the guy I saw earlier today. Or maybe it was someone who looks like him. I just overthink everything, don't I.

"I'm so happy you accepted my FaceTime," he then said.

"Yeah and this will probably be the only time I'll let you get away with it this time."

"Where's your face? I want to see you!" He whined.

"Sorry, my power's out," I lied. He can't know what I look like just yet.

"It is? Well anyways, I hope we get to meet each other in person soon."

"We did," I suddenly said. Whoops, I did not mean to say that at all! It just slipped out!

"Really? When?"

"Uh, never mind. I was thinking about another person."

"Oh.. okay," he sounded a bit sad. Was he that excited to figure that out?

"Well, there's this concert that I'll be going to. We can go together if you want," I offered him. It's a BTS concert, I really don't think he'll be up for it.

"A concert? Who's performing?" He asks me.

"It's a BTS concert. It's okay if-."

"Sure, I'll go with you. It's the one next week, right?"

I was shocked to see that he was really up for it.

"Yeah, I guess it's the one next week," I nodded along.

"So what am I supposed to call you since you won't tell me your name?" He smirked through the screen.

"Uh, I don't know. Maybe.. just call me Jae," I suggested. I don't know any other name to give.

"Jae? Cute," he smiled which made me blush so hard, but good thing he can't see me. "And you can call me Kook."

"Kook? Sounds like a cereal brand!" I laughed to the strange name.

"It's better than not giving any name at all," he protested.


We talked for the rest of the night until I fell asleep. Who knows what he said to me while I was sleeping?

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