18: 알아요

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So I guess that Jin and Kook are sitting at different seats then.

"You're so lucky!" A random girl approached me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"More like, what do you mean? Jin and Jungkook went up to you specifically and talked to you! And I'm pretty sure they know your name too! You're such a lucky ARMY," the girl praised me like crazy.

"Of course they know my name, I know them," I told her back.

"You do?! That's so cool!" she squealed, "Are you sure you're not lying?" she then looked at me suspiciously.

"I'm not lying. Why would I be lying?"

"Because it sounds so unreal that you actually know them," she sighed before continuing, "anyways, I hope you enjoy the concert as well."

"Uh, you, too."

Soon enough, the concert was starting. I just wonder where Jin and Kook are sitting.

As the music started to blare throughout the whole stadium, a camera panels over the performers. All of them, in fact, looked so familiar.



That's Jimin over there and then Jin is standing right there and Kook stands in the center of all of them. Is this some type of joke? Once they began to dance and sing, and listening to the fan-chants, I realized that this isn't a joke...it's real.

After performing a few songs, they all stood on the stage in front of me and introduced themselves one by one. Once they all finished doing so, Kook started to smile very widely.

"For some of you that don't know, I turned 18 a week ago, and when you turn 18 you get to see who your soulmate is through writing on yourself," Kook then walked up closer to where I was sitting, and jumped down off of the stage and onto the space between the stage and the barricades which made the crowd go crazy. "Everyone, I want you to meet Kim Hyunjae, my soulmate," he said as he grabbed my hand.

Everyone in the stadium screamed louder than I could even imagine.

"I hope you guys will respect her as much as you guys respect us and I hope I will still remain as the Jungkook you guys love and see," Jungkook told the crowd as he still held my hand.

"Kook, what is this?" I asked him.

"This? I am Jeon Jungkook of BTS," he replied ever-so casually, "and the thousands of people that all now love you."

H-huh? He must be right, right? I mean, because I just saw him perform. I was speechless. This can't be real. Jungkook.. as a celebrity? Is this why he told me not to look him up on the internet? What was he afraid of?

"Love you," he mouthed with his light pink shaded lips before hopping back up onto the stage. After he did so, boys and girls that were sitting around me went up to me to ask all sorts of questions like 'How do you feel?' 'What's it like knowing someone so charming?'. I just became overwhelmed from all of the questions they were all asking me at the same time. It made my head hurt.


As time went by, the concert came to an end. But before it did, all of the members said their own little speech bid their goodbyes to their fans.

Just as the members were about to leave the stage, Jin said that Jungkook has something special to ask. I watched a smile grow upon Jungkook's lips as he hopped off of the stage and over the barricades to hug me which made the crowd go crazy. I was very appreciative for the hug, but I also didn't like it at the same time because he smelled and was all sticky from the sweat he produced.

"What's this for?" I questioned the hug.

"For you staying with me the whole time I was here," he happily said as he tightened the hug. The people around us had their phones out and were either taking photos or videos of us.

"Why would you think I would leave?" I slightly chuckled.

"Because I remember you saying that you wouldn't date a celebrity," he replied.


"Yah, Jungkook-ah, aren't you going to ask her?" Jin said through the mic, which made his voice echo throughout the whole stadium.

"Oh, yeah," Jungkook finally released from the hug. He then brought his purple colored mic up to his lips, "Hyunjae, I have a very important question to ask you," he said as he looked straight into my eyes.

I tilted my head slightly.

He smiled even wider before asking, "Will you be my spouse until the very end?"

Everyone screamed.

My eyes widened. The words echoed inside of my head. It's like time stopped. It's like everything was going in slow motion. I wanted to say 'yes' but my lips wouldn't let me. I couldn't control anything. My heart was beating so fast that I started to get dizzy. You can say it, don't keep him waiting.

"I'll be your spouse until the very end, don't worry, I promise," I told him confidently. Then suddenly, my lips felt warm and Jungkook's face was very close to mine. And then I realized....

Jungkook's kissing me. He's kissing me... in front of thousands of people.

He released from the kiss and whispered into my ear, "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said back to him before he leaned in again for another kiss.

I never expected for my soulmate to be him. I hated him at first and thought he was a crazy jock. But now, I think of him as the best person I've ever met. He's the love of my life.

I love him with all of my life...

...and that's how it's supposed to be forever. After all, we're soulmates



Ah, this was a fun chapter to write. Originally, I was going to make this the final chapter, but I felt like that this story needed to be longer.

Anyways, I'm planning on making another Taehyung fanfic where he's a mass murderer. I mean, I have made a bunch of them, but they're all sitting in my drafts and I don't know what to do with them .-.

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