16:Before the Truth Pt.2

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Jimin's POV

I was casually stretching before soundcheck until Jungkook caught my eye.

"Yah, Jungkook-ah," I flicked him with my finger from where I was stretching on the floor, "why are you doing that?"

"H-h-hyung, s-she's gonna know. This is it, she's gonna see me on that stage. H-how am I gonna do it?" the younger was hugging his knees and was rolling in a ball on the floor.

"Calm the heck down, I thought you were already over that. And didn't I tell you the other day that she'll except you for who you are if you show that you're truly dedicated to her?" I continued to stretch on the floor.

1 Hour Later...

"YAH! YOU CAN'T JUST LOCK YOURSELF IN THE BATHROOM!" I banged my fist against the bathroom door that Jungkook has locked himself in.

"Just leave me alone," I heard the muffled voice of Jungkook through the door.

"No! I am not leaving you alone! You're overthinking this!" I pulled onto the handle in hopes of getting it open.

I waited for a response but there was nothing in return.

"Jungkook?" I knocked onto the door with my knuckle. "Hello? Are you okay?"

Again, nothing was coming through the other side of the bathroom door.

I built up the strength within myself and kicked down the door, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the hallway.

"Jungkook!" I called his name as I barged into the small restroom.

He... he's not here.

My eyes glance over the whole room. I looked up at the ceiling to see one of the boards has been shifted. He crawled out through the ceiling. I hate how smart he is. Now, it's time to  figure out where the heck he went.

I pulled out my phone and tried to call him in hopes that the vibration or ringtone from his phone will help me. I waited for the sound as pressed my phone against my ear.

There... I hear it...the vibration. But why does it sound so close?

My eyes dart all over the small enclosed room trying to find the source of the buzzing.

Right there on the side of the sink laid Jungkook's phone with my caller ID on the screen. Then, a sudden idea popped up into my head. Jae, is I can call her through Jungkook's phone, but I don't know his password. I picked up the phone to see Jae and him as his lock screen. They were drinking from the same milkshake.

Since this boy is so cheesy the first thing that I thought for his password was Jae's name... and it worked. How unbelievable. I got her number from Jungkook's phone and transferred it to mine. I could've just texted Jae from his phone and said that it was sent from me, but I really needed her number as well.

I first contacted the workers about the situation, then texted Jae in hopes that she'll arrive here quickly.

While I was waiting, I listened carefully for any movement in the ceiling. Then I heard footsteps echo in the hall which made me turn my head from where it was coming from.

"What's wrong? Where's Jungkook?" Jae gasped for air once she caught up to where I was standing. She must've ran all the ran from the lounge to down here backstage.

"Jungkook escaped. He locked himself in the bathroom and escaped through the ceiling," I pointed up the the ceiling.


"Because he's scared that you won't accept him for the way he is and how he's a worldwide cel-," I immediately covered my mouth with my hands.

"A worldwide what?"

"U-uh it's nothing. Just forget that I said that," I slowly lowered my hands from my mouth, "Anyways, do you think you can contact him through your connected writing stuff because this boy didn't bring his phone with him."

"A pen. I need a pen. Do you maybe have any type of pen?" Jae eagerly asked me like I already had the object somewhere on me.

"Sadly enough, I don't," I exhaled, "but we can ask one of the workers here. I'm pretty sure they'll have one on them."

Jae and I looked together throughout the halls for any signs of workers. We need to do this fast before actual soundcheck begins, or even the whole concert.

"Excuse me?" Jae tapped the shoulder of a worker, "By any chance, do you have a pen that I can borrow?" She innocently looked at the elder man.

"Ah, of course," the elder pulled out a cheap black ballpoint pen out of the pocket of his black colored polo shirt.

"Thank you very much!" Jae bowed your the man and immediately got to work. She yanked the cap off of the pen and began to write on her bare skin of her forearm.

Kook? Where are you? We need you

We stood there, waiting for a response when suddenly we saw a navy blue ink being drawn onto her skin right before our eyes.

No, I just want to be alone from everyone

Just tell me where you are, I won't tell anyone

Are you sure? because Jimin's standing right next to you

Our eyes both immediately opened wide from his response. I looked around for any security cameras while Jae looked around the hall we were standing in.

Right there... above us... the ceiling tile was slightly open to the pitch black space above...

...and I could see Jungkook's big black doe eyes staring straight at us.


AHAHAHAHA I just had to add some dramatic action to this book. Finally, some good ideas popped into my head while writing this :)

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