25:Who's She?

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Hyunjae's POV

"Hyunjae!" Jin exclaimed as he burst through my front door, "I have important news!"

"What is it?" I walked out of the kitchen.

Jin grabbed both of my shoulders tightly and looked at me straight into my eyes, "I think I saw her."

"Saw who?" I questioned with a terrified look fixed upon my face.

Jin rolled his eyes, "My soulmate, dummy."

"Ohhh," I slowly nodded my head, "where'd you see her?" I then asked.

Jin released his tight grip on my shoulders then brushed his shirt off with his fingers and sighed, "I saw her walking as I was driving over to your house. I originally came here to hang out with you, but I saw her familiar features. They're so distinctive."

Of course, they're distinctive. She's Caucasian with golden blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Hold on...

"Wait," I quickly grabbed Jin's hand, "I think I saw her yesterday when I was walking to school with Jungkook."

"You did?" Jin's face lit up.

"Yeah, it was kinda weird since there are no foreigners in this part of town."

It was silent between us until I broke it.

"Wanna go searching for her?" I smirked.

Jin smiled widely with his teeth on full display, "I thought you'd never ask!"

Jungkook's POV

I sighed as I crashed myself onto the floor of Jimin's studio.

"What do you want?" Jimin irritatedly asked me as he flipped through his paperwork that was stapled together.

"What if Jae doesn't like me anymore?" I frowned.

"Jungkook," Jimin slammed his paperwork onto his table then turned around from his office chair to face me, "It has not even been one week. You're being overdramatic." Jimin turned back around in his chair and continued to work.

I groaned.

Hyunjae's POV

Jin and I walked around the small town, hiding behind lamp posts and the corners of buildings to make ourselves a little less stalker-ish. 

"Where do you think she is right now?" Jin asked me as we peeked our heads out from the side of a tree.

"How am I supposed to know," I replied while searching the street with my eyes, "you have her number, don't you? Just text her and ask her what she's doing right now."

Just as Jin pulled out his phone from his pocket, a blonde-headed girl appeared out of nowhere.

"Jin! Over there!" I harshly whispered over to the elder as I slapped his wrist repeatedly.

"Where?" Jin looked over my head willingly.

"There! The only blondie in this town," I pointed my index finger at the girl. She was far enough so I could technically point at her without her seeing me. I then looked over at Jin to see if he found her. 

Without him saying anything, I could tell that he found her. I could tell from that look in his eyes.

I nudged his shoulder, "Do you want to go say hi to her?"

"No, not yet," he firmly replied then turned to face me, "let's just go back to your house." Jin started to walk in the direction of my house.

"What? Why?" I followed him from behind.

"Because I'm not ready. All of this stuff is just... a little overwhelming for me. It's like I can't process all of this new information that's being brought me," he replied while storming his way to my house.

"Jin?" A female voice with an American accent could be heard from behind us. We both turned around to see the blonde girl Jin has been simping over for the past week.

"Ella?" Jin said the name of the girl with a hard Korean accent.

I was expecting a happy greeting, but instead... Jin ran away.

"I'm sorry," I said with the best English I could.

"Are you his girlfriend?" She then asked me.

"No," I shook my head, "I am only...his...friend," I said as I tried to think of words to form my sentence. I then took off to go catch Jin.


Thank you guys so much for 2k reads and also 7k reads on my other book "Falling In Love With My Kidnapper". I really appreciate it!

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