5: Coincidence

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I was shocked to see that Jin had made such a strange offer.


Jinnie 🍓🍥:
No more questions. Anyways, I'm here waiting for you up front

I groaned as I walked towards the entrance.

"Why the heck are you doing this? This is so unnecessary! And how do you know that I don't eat much at school?" I complained as I got into Jin's car. I then looked at him. To my surprise, he was all decked out. Full on forehead action and fancy designer clothing.

"You told me the other day that you only eat goldfish for lunch at school. You forget everything, don't you. I still don't get how you get the highest grades in your grade," Jin began to drive off to wherever he was taking me.

"Why are you all fancied up? Did you go to some fancy occasion?" I asked him.

"I had a photo shoot right before I drove over to pick you up," he replied. "And I forgot my wallet at my work so we're gonna have to go there first," he then told me.

"Okay," I agreed to his plan.

"If anyone asks you your name, just say your name is Dami because you look like one," he suggested for me to do.

"Mhm," I hummed as I stared out of the car window, watching all of the other cars pass on the highway. I'm choosing to listen to Jin because he always knows what he's doing.


"Now stay here, right here," Jin sat me down on a bench that was in the lobby. "I don't think I can take you up because they might find you and you'll get too involved into conflict that you most definitely not want to get into." Jin then walked off, leaving me in the cold and spacious room. The ceilings were sky-high and had windows that reached to the tall ceilings, letting plenty of sunlight hit inside of the building. I decided to go on my phone to let myself free from boredom. Jin was taking so long even though it has only been a couple of minutes.

"You're here again," I heard a manly voice echo from up ahead. I lifted my head from my phone screen to see who it was. Ugh, it's the seducer man. What was his name again? Jimin?

"Yeah, I'm here," I ignorantly replied and moved my eyes back to my phone screen.

"So, are you related to Jin in any way?" He proceeded to sit down in the vacant space that was right next to me on the bench.

"He's my cousin, and I don't get why you're worrying so much. Just stop with your stupid little questions okay. I didn't ask to be here,"I snapped. I don't give a damn about this man. All he's tryna do is act tough and he seems like a major try hard.

"Ouch. That was a little harsh. I'm just trying to be nice," he flashed me a warm smile.

"From last time we met, I don't think so."

"Look, I'm sorry about last time. I didn't know you were a student," his head hung low as he apologized. Wow, so he really was trying to hit on me before.

"You're good now," I put my phone down to look at him, "By the way, my name is Dami, if you were wondering."

"Dami," he repeated, "You really look like a Dami." He observed me. I found it funny how Jin was right. I mean, I don't think I look like a Dami.

"Hyung, who are you talking to?" A man comes up to both of us. It's him. It's Kook. I'm 100% sure that's him. That's the fluffy hair I want to touch.

"This is Dami, Jin's cousin," Jimin showed me off to Kook.

"Hi, Dami. My name is Jungkook. Nice to meet you," Kook stuck out his hand for me to shake. Jungkook? Kook? So that's your name, huh. I figured your name out first! Hah!

As I was about to shake his hand, I almost forgot about the writing on my hand. I jolted my hand back. His head tilted in confusion. I then slipped my hand in between my thighs so that no one else could see them. I'm not ready to actually meet Kook yet. I mean Jungkook. I don't care, I'm still gonna call him Kook.

"So, what brings you here?" Jungkook asks me as he sits on the other vacant spot on the bench right next to me.

"Jin told me that he forgot his wallet here, so I'm waiting for him," I replied.

"So what's it like having a cousin that's a celebrity? He then asked me.

"Dami-ya~~ let's go~~~," I heard Jin sing with his wallet in his hand.

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