14:Getting To Know

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Jungkook's POV
a few hours prior...

"YOU DID WHAT?!?" Jin yelled at me.

"I had no other choice!" I tried to convince him.

"I don't care if you had no other choice! You can't just leave a girl hanging like that!" Jin then proceeded to slap me on the back of my head.

"But she's gonna figure out," I lowered my head.

"She's gonna figure out either way though. If you don't tell her any sooner, then you're done for. She's gonna see you rocking that stage and she might even be pissed off at you for not telling her earlier." After Jin's lecture, he left me in the dance room leaving me all by myself.

The weird thing is that Jin hyung has no dating experience whatsoever. He's been single his whole life. It was, until two years ago, when he stopped searching for his soulmate. He has been searching for years for his soulmate. He just ended up losing hope. But all of this waiting has kinda prepared him on what to do and what not to do since he has been the moral support when we all tried to figure out things for our soulmates. But there are times where I feel bad for him. All of us being successful in finding our destined lovers while he's still stuck.

I decided to take a jog around the stadium while I waited for rehearsals to begin. I stopped running once I saw a car drive in through the road that lead to the basement of the stadium.

Is that Jin? And who's that in the passenger seat? Is it another celebrity that we have to meet?

I decided to run back to the lounge room because I thought it'd be someone important.

As I walked up to the lounge room door, I already hear a lot of people talking. Did I get here too late? Am I late?

I opened the door to see the back of a young woman.

Who's that? Is that who I think it is?

"Jae? Is that you?" the name slipped out of my mouth without me even thinking.

The woman turned around and once I saw her face I was filled with guilt from what I done the day before. I left her without even explaining why I ran away.

I immediately went up to her with wide arms to give her a hug.

"Kook?" she questioned after we released from the hug.

Author's POV

Jungkook smiled widely like a little kid while staring at Hyunjae's face.

"Wait, do you know about the celebrity thing about me?" Jungkook suddenly asked Hyunjae.

"Uh, the celebrity what thing about you?" Hyunjae raised a brow.

Jungkook sighed of relief, "Good."

"Jin, why exactly did you bring me here?" Hyunjae asked the elder.

"To see your soulmate, duh. And also a free ride to the concert," Jin replied.

"And so you two could hang out for a little bit before sound check begins," Jimin added on.

"C'mon, Jae, let's go!!" Jungkook smiled at Hyunjae while holding her hand tightly.

"Uh, okay," Hyunjae said before being dragged out of the stadium by Jungkook.

"A shopping mall?" Hyunjae stared at the tall glass building.

"Yeah!" Jungkook smiled, "You're not gonna go to a concert with your school uniform, right?"

Hyunjae looked down onto her khaki colored uniform and forgot that she even had it on.

"So here's the plan," Jungkook grabbed Hyunjae's hand and placed his credit card into her hand, "buy whatever you want, I don't care. Like you could buy anything. And I'm gonna buy us food, and then we're gonna meet in the food court in an hour, okay?"

"Okay," Hyunjae nodded.

The two were then off on their separate ways.


i guess it's another filler .-. or maybe not.

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