10: 말 하지마

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I ran and I ran. I didn't look back. I was almost to school anyways. You can't get inside if you don't have an ID.

"Jae! Come back! Why are you running?!" I heard Jungkook yell from behind. I could tell he was running after me because he's literally obsessed with me. It's not Jungkook if he wasn't.

"Come back," he growled. His voice was suddenly deeper and not as high pitched.


Jungkook was starting to scare me as I ran. I could feel his eyes stabbing me in the back. I picked up my pace as I saw the gate of my school.

You're almost there, keep running.

All of a sudden, a strong grip around my torso grabbed me, stopping me from running any farther.

"I got you," he breathed down my neck.

"Let.. me.. go!" I tried squirming out of his grasp.

"Not until you tell me on how you got to know my name," he tightened his grip.

"NO!" I protested, "I won't tell you! Now let me go, I'm going to be late for school!"

"Fine," he loosened his clutch around me, "I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me."

"Whatever, just go away. You look like those child predators." I was then on my way to school, like I originally was.

I turned my head back around to see that Jungkook was tailing behind me.

"Um, aren't you gonna go?" I looked at him strangely.

"Like I said, I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me," he snickered.

"You can't get into the school if you don't have an ID." I continued to walk.

"They'd let me in if they knew that I'm Jungkook."

I stopped walking in my tracks.

"What do you mean?" I raised a brow at him.

"Uh, never mind. Pretend that I never said anything," Jungkook lowered his head and rubbed his nape with his hand.

"I heard it, alright. Tell me." I waited for Jungkook to say anything, but all he did was avoid eye contact and didn't say a word.

"Fine," I pulled out my phone, "I'm going to search your name up on the internet."

"No!" Jungkook suddenly snatched my phone from my hands. "Don't do that! Never think about doing that!"

"And why not?" I rested my hands onto my hips.

"U-um.. just don't do it! It's for your own good. And why are you making this such a big deal? Just tell me! It's not that hard!" Jungkook teased me with my phone by putting his arm up in the air where I can't reach it, while I'm jumping up and down trying to get it.

"Fine!" I stopped jumping, "I first met you in person where you work at. Jin isn't my cousin, we're not related at all. My name isn't Dami, Jin told me to use it because I'll get in trouble if any of you guys knew my actual name. That's how I got to know your name... you told me! And now that I came clean, it's your turn! Why can't I call you Jungkook in public." I explained to him.

The whole time, Jungkook had this surprised expression all over his face. His mouth was gaped open and his eyes were wide. Jungkook slowly began to walk backwards, away from where I was standing.

"Where are you going?" I asked him as I watched him walk away.

"No, no, no," I heard him mumble under breath while trying not to break eye contact with me.

"Tell me, Jungkook, where are you going?" I asked him once more.

"Stop, stop!" Jungkook placed his hands against the temples of his head, dropping my phone on the ground as he did so, "Don't say that! Don't say that! Don't say my name!"

"Why? Jungkook, please tell me," I walked closer up to him.

"DON'T SAY MY NAME!" He stepped back farther from me as I approached.

Then all of a sudden, Jungkook turned around and bolted out running away from where I stood.

Does his name trigger something? Maybe I shouldn't have never mentioned his name last night.

Jungkook's POV

I can't bear to here it anymore.

She knows where I work, so she must possibly know what I work as.

She'll hate me. She'll turn against me. She'll know that I'm famous and not want me anymore.

The more Jae says my name, the more I wanted to not make myself exist anymore. I just want her calling me Kook, and not my actual name, because when she calls me Jungkook I feel like I'm famous and a celebrity. But when she calls me Kook, it makes me feel like a different person who's free and normal, like any other person in this world who's not loved my millions of people.

I ran, I ran as far as I could from Jae. 'Jae' is probably not even her real name. How many more things is she hiding from me?

Maybe if I just... isolate myself from her, maybe it's better for me. I won't have to see her. I won't have to worry about not being loved by her.

I got nothing to worry about now. I got millions of boys and girls who love me for the way I am.


I made this chapter so dramatic haha!

If you're still confused on why Hyunjae's making it such a big deal, it's because she wants to get answers from Jungkook first and then she tells him on how she got to know his name. And it's also because of what Hyunjae explained in the previous chapter.

If you're also confused on why Jungkook doesn't want Hyunjae calling him Jungkook, it's because Hyunjae doesn't like the idea of dating a celebrity so Jungkook's afraid that she might not love him and not want to be with him because he's a famous.

So, yeah :)

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