15: Before the Truth Pt.1

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While Hyunjae was out shopping while thinking that Jungkook was out getting food, he was really hiding himself from the public. Jungkook didn't want to be seen out to the public-eye. He didn't want to attract any attention to his soulmate.

As for Hyunjae, she was careful on what she was spending Jungkook's money. Even thought she had the freedom to buy anything, she didn't want to take advantage of the opportunity she had. Hyunjae didn't want Jungkook's pockets to hurt.

Jungkook's POV

An hour... I have an hour until I have to meet up with Jae in the food court.

I walked out of the shopping mall and back into my car that was parked in the parking lot. I made sure that my ball cap covered my eyes and my mask covered more than half of my face. Once I got into my car, I dialed Jin.

"Hello?" Jin said through the other line.

"Hyung, I don't know what to do now!" I started to panic.

"Yah, you're supposed to go shopping with her. Wait, you're with her right now... right?"

I hesitated for a second, "...no."

"JEON JUNGKOOK, GET THE HECK OUT OF WHEREVER YOU'RE HIDING AND GO WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Jin screamed through the phone in which that made me move my phone away from my ear because Jin was being too loud.

"Um, Jae isn't my girlfriend yet. I never asked her to be. I was planning on waiting a little bit and then ask her because what if she wasn't ready?"

Jin sighed, "Maybe this concert is a double-kill. You're gonna tell her that you're a worldwide celebrity and you're gonna ask her to be your girlfriend, alright?"

"Okie, sounds like a good plan."

"Now go with her, you dumbass! It doesn't matter if you're gonna get recognized or not. Just go!"

"Alright, alright! Thank you!" I ended the call and exited my car.

I'm on my way, Jae.

After exploring the tall building, I finally found her. I was certain that was her.

"Jae," I placed my hand onto her shoulder from behind. She immediately turned around. Jae gave me a weird look. Probably she thinks that I'm a crazy man with the things that I'm wearing to keep my identity hidden.

"Kook? Is that you? Has it been an hour already?" She had a concerned look upon her face.

"No, it hasn't even been thirty minutes yet. Maybe it's better if we shopped together and get food together as well," I smiled at her through my mask. Too bad she couldn't see it.

"Well, um, I'm already done with my shopping," Jae showed me a couple of small paper bags with not a whole lot in any of them.

"Is that it? I told you could buy whatever you wanted."

"Yeah, I did. This is all that I want at the moment," Jae clutched the braided handle, of the bags that she held, tighter in her hands.

"Well, we can go back now if you want. Unless you want to do something else before we go."

"Let's go over there!" Jae pointed around something as she grabbed my hand and started running towards the atrium of the shopping mall. The more we ran, the more we got closer to the brightly lit and colorful thing.

"A merry-go-round? Sure, that's seems like a good idea." We both stood in line for the ride.

Once it was our turn to get onto the ride, Jae rushed to get onto the rabbit.

"C'mon, Kook!" Jae smiled as she got herself situated onto the huge animal.

I got onto the animal behind her which was a tiger.

As the ride started to move, Jae smiled widely as ever. I've never seen her this happy in my life. She's like a little kid. I can't believe she's mine to keep forever. I suddenly had an idea pop into my head that made me take out my phone and start taking pictures of her in her happy state.

Once the ride was over, it was like there was an aura of flowers and sparkles floating around Jae. She was just so happy after that one simple ride.

"We're going back, right?" she asked as we approached my car.

"Yup, we are."

Right after we arrived at the stadium, Jae went straight to the bathroom to change out of her school uniform and into the clothes she picked out earlier at the mall. As for me, I had to get back to rehearsals with the rest of the boys. Since we won't be there with her, our unnies will be there to accompany her.

Hyunjae's POV

I wanted to go back to school after Jungkook dropped me off, but these unnies convinced me to stay until the concert begins.

"Trust us, it's better if you stay here with us!" they told me with an enthusiastic tone of voice.

I don't get why they wanted me to stay. Every time when I ask why, they'd always say something else off-topic or completely avoid the question. I just want to go home!

It felt like I waited in that room for what it felt like hours, but it was only a few.

While I was staring out of the window, I saw people filling up the stadium. I stumbled upon my feet as I went up closer to thin pane of glass. I pulled out my phone to check the time and it was an hour before the concert is supposed to start at.

"It's only soundcheck, so you shouldn't worry about it," one of the unnies approaches me from behind, "unless Jin bought soundcheck tickets for you."

"Yeah, he did," I turned around to face her, "and I'm supposed to go with Kook, too."

Another unnie immediately went rushing out of the room for some reason.

"Um," she bit her lip, "just wait here for one second," she said before taking off with the rest of the other unnies.

Where are they all going?

I suddenly then get a text from someone. I pulled my phone out to see that Jimin texted me. How'd he get my number?

Jae get down here, something really bad happened to your lover


Look who finally made the deadline :)

I made sure to make this chapter somewhat long to make-up for the previous chapters that were quite short. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying this book so far!!

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