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Y/N stood up, slowly approaching her boyfriend who was oblivious with the intense stare that four people were giving him

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Y/N stood up, slowly approaching her boyfriend who was oblivious with the intense stare that four people were giving him. If only stares were deadly, he would have been dead by now. Jimin has grown attached to her, he was like a protective brother.

When he first knew the reason why when they arrived at the cafe Y/N looked like a zombie, he was furious. He wanted to strangle the life out of the one who made her cry and fall to that state. But he knew he had to control himself, he still wasn't in that position in her life. He didn't want to look like a meddler so he tried his best not to lash out at the scene that was unfolding right before his eyes.

Namjoon despite knowing her for a short period of time had the urge to protect her. He was always a gentleman. He treated every person fairly and he knew if his friends would protect someone it means that someone was really worth protecting. He trusted them that much, and by the looks on Jimin's face, he knew that he was trying his best to control himself.

Quincy, on the other hand, was ready to throw hands. From the moment Y/N and Daniel started dating until they ended up together she never liked him. She felt uneasy with him, it's like his every move was fake, like it was calculated and everything he did would only benefit him.

But she stayed silent because Y/N begged her to give him a chance so she gave in for her friend. But she still held her guards up, and right now is one of those moments.

Y/N unlike any of the three still had a soft spot for her boyfriend. After all, he was her first in everything, she was still willing to give him, their relationship a shot. But right now she had her own doubts and she wants to prove herself wrong with what she's witnessing and thinking.

Each step she took closer to him felt like quicksand, like the floor beneath her was sinking and taking her with it. She could hear the faint whisper and giggles of the girl to her boyfriend's ear.

Until she was in front of them. She decided to make her presence known even if she would look like a fool. Once she was seen, Daniel felt all the blood in his face drain like he was a deer caught on headlights. He grew pale and stood up on instinct and switch to his "boyfriend" role. Instantly hugging her and taking her by surprise.

"Y-Y/N what are you doing here? Why haven't you called? I miss you, babe." He said and kissed her by the lips, each word rolled out his tongue smoothly.

In an instant, they switched roles. The interrogator became the interrogated. She began to stutter, which he took as an opportunity to press her more. "I-I was waiting for you to call me first, fi-first day of school and we weren't together." She softly spoke.

While their two newfound friends were speechless Quincy decided to stand up and approach them, saving her friend from being stepped over, again.

She cleared her throat, purposely squeezed herself in between them, and spoke, "Okay! Instead of making Y/N the bad person here, why don't you introduce us to your friends huh? Especially the girl. Since she looked WAY too close to you hmm?"

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