Chapter 1

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(Third person view) Okumura twins are nine

"YOU SHOULDN'T OF MESSED WITH ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" The tall guy stood over Rin as he held him by the collar of his t-shirt. The man continued to punch Rin most going to the face but some to the stomach. They were in the back of a dark alley where the man had taken him a few minutes prior.


(Rin pov)

I had just been walking down the street to get milk from the store as dad asked if I could get some as we had none left. I started running half way as it was cold and I wanted the warmth of my home. I turned the corner and banged straight into a tall guy with a shaved head wearing black ripped jeans and a black vest. He looked a little drunk if I was honest. "Watch where you're going! Damn kid!" He slightly muttered the last part but still loud enough to hear. "I was around the corner, I couldn't see you!" I yelled back at him. "What did you just say?!" He shouted at me, much less of a question. He grabbed my collar and picked me up. "AHHHH LET ME GO!" I shouted as I was brought into the back of an alley. He punched me and at that moment I had a thought. 'Me and my big mouth!' I mentally scolded myself.


(Rin pov)

Now I'm in this situation because I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut. Eventually, I broke and tears rolled down my face like a waterfall. the pain only got worse with the more punches that connected with me. But I felt warm all of sudden and then the pain of hitting the floor came. There was a gasp and a "WHAT THE HELL!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!!" After that, he was gone. I thought about what had happened but realized I had to get going if I didn't want to make dad or Yukio worry. I tried to stand but failed from the pain. I lay there for a good ten minutes just trying to calm down and get my strength back. 

Ten minutes later

I tried standing again and managed to stand but failed to, something felt... odd... I lifted my hand up to try and figure why I felt weird and the next thing I knew I was screaming and tripped causing me to roll. I shook my head looked behind me to see: "A TAIL!!!" I yelled in surprise. I kept looking around trying to figure what happened until I was met with my own reflection. "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!" I asked myself aloud. I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror to study my new appearance. I had bright blue eyes, red iris. My body was small and I had six legs. Fluff around my neck. I had a long tail with lots of fluff on the end of it.

(He's a lot smaller than that, he's still a child also minus the flaming crown and he does have wings just hides them)

(He's a lot smaller than that, he's still a child also minus the flaming crown and he does have wings just hides them)

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How am I supposed to get milk like this? A fucking animal thing? Never mind that! What about going home?!'  I sped through a million thoughts and couldn't calm down. I eventually calmed down and tried thinking of a way to become human. I came up with an idea of just thinking I was human and surprisingly it worked. 'Now all I gotta do is get to the shop, get milk, and get home.' I planned out my mission and off I went.

"OMG LET ME HELP YOU!" The women at the till panicked as I brought the milk up to the counter. "I'm okay, no need to worry," I told her waving my hands in front of me. She rushed for a first aid box to patch me up. "Nor you're not!" She panicked. She sat me up on the counter as she patched me up. "There you go." She took me off the counter and I paid for my milk and made my way home.

(Time skip)

At Home

(Third person view)

The doors were heard being opened in the kitchen was a worried Yukio sat with his very much less worried dad. The got out their seats as the knew it was to be Rin. "Rin!" Yukio said loudly as he rushed over, seeing him with plasters and bandages on. "What happened?" Shiro asked worriedly. "I tripped on stairs and went into a wall ehehe..." He spoke his lie clearly as possible as to try and get away with it. He rubbed the back of his which showed his nervousness that he wanted to hide. "Who patched you up?" Shiro asked. "The nice lady at the shop," Rin answered honestly. "Oh okay, that makes sense." "I'm glad you're okay Nii~san!" Yukio said relieved as he hugged his brother but let go when his brother put his hands on his shoulder and holding him arm's length away. "Of course I'm okay!" He told him cheerfully. "here's the milk daddy!" Rin passed the milk. "Rin next time you get hurt come straight back here okay?" "Haha sure but some wall isn't going to hurt me!" Rin told him with his clenched fist shot up in the air. Shiro chuckled at his son's actions and words. "Haha okay, well let's go get dinner ready," "yay!" The boys shouted in unison as they ran to the kitchen holding hands and Rin taking the lead.

 "Haha okay, well let's go get dinner ready," "yay!" The boys shouted in unison as they ran to the kitchen holding hands and Rin taking the lead

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