Chapter 16

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Sorry for not posting, school has started up again and things got a little hectic.

(Third person view)

"Ahhhh!!!" Shima screamed at the sight of a spider and running up to cling to Bon. "Shima, get off me all you've been doing is whining and now you're screaming about a spider. A spider." "SO! They're scary!" Shima squealed like a girl and kept up his whiney which wasn't helping Yukio's headache in any way. 

"He's sure energetic ain't he?" Shura ask with a grin knowing it was annoying Yukio. "Can you not tease me for once?" Yukio asked already knowing answer. "Course not," she answered as they continued their trek to the camping sight they were supposed to be staying at. 

"Alright! Listen up!" Yukio raised his voice when they reached the camp sight. "You will each have a job-" Shima gave a groan and started to whine about it but shut up when Yukio glared at him. "Bon, Shima, and Koneko will be setting up the tents, Shiemi and Izumo will be getting wood for the fire as well as water. Paku you will help Miss Kirigakure with setting up wards." The exwires nodded and hummed at their jobs and eminently got to them. Yukio supervised the activities as they were done and continued to put up with Shima's bitching. Once the activities were done they started cooking dinner which got a little burnt since Shima tried to help. After dinner their challange finally came. 

"The task is to light a lantern and bring it back here-" Yukio didn't get to finish his sentence before Shima said "That sounds easy, lets go." Shima started walking but was pulled back by Bon. "But...There are only three lanterns." Yukio finished his explanation. "Ready, set...GO!" He shouted as a bullet shot in the air and each of the exwires raced off in different directions. 

At the dorm

Shiro sat on the chair looking at Rin with saddened eyes, he'd bene like this for a few hours now. He felt as if he'd failed as a father and no longer knew what to do. His son was being monitored 24/7 and had a shock collar on and couldn't move from guilt. He felt as if this was somehow all his fault and couldn't get over the feeling of guilt. "Ya know if I was demon I could bet I wouldn't be able to move either." He tried to raise his own spirit but nothing worked. "I-I know I've failed...I'm sorry Yuri. I tried I really did but in the end it was inevitable... I'm also sorry to Rin, I failed to protect you from yourself and the order, it was myself you're now fighting yourself. If I had just just tried a little harder we wouldn't be in this situation." Shiro continued his sorrowful and guilt filled rant. But in Rin's mind things were getting worse by the minute. 

In Rin's mind

(Rin pov)

I walked around the black headspace but it wasn't quiet I could hear the screams and pleads for help from my friends. I had had a bad feeling since- Since... I didn't even know how long I had been like this it felt like forever but yet it also felt like a few seconds time was confusing in this place. Was it even a place? But that's not the point, right now I was so determined on finding where these screams were coming from to find them and help them. I had to help them they were his friends. 

That's when I heard the emotionless mocking tone and painfilled scremas. I tried to find it but suddenly it was quiet, nothing was heard fr the longest time other than my shouts until I heard a voice it was my old mans voice. I heard him he was saying how he was sorry to... Yuri? And to me and feeling guilty. But he soon paused as I heard a ringing. I listened into both skdes of the conversation and I heard their screams again and then the phone cut off suddenly. It was Yukio...He was on the other side of the phone and something was wrong, very wrong. I had to save him, I had to protect him, I had to be the barried between him and whatever was making him begging for help. And once again I was left in silence, left alone to try get out of this place and save Yukio.

Back with Yukio and the exwries

(Third person view)

"Yukio!" Shiro shouted pulling the trigger on his shotgun at the earth demon king who only looked down at the bullet and shrugged. Shiro 'tsked' at the response he got. "Dad!" Yukio shouted in distress. He had claw marks over his abdomen as he stood protecting his students with almost no ammo left. Shiro ran at the demon king with other exorcists behind him as backup but nor did they have much luck. THe exorcists and the paladin stood there angry and defeated. "Hm...This is boring...Nii~san told me little brother would be here." Amaimon said bringing out another lollypop. "You damn demon! What the hell does that mean!" Bon shouted nad Yukio glared back at him wanting him to shut up so he wouldn't anger the demon king any more well, not like he could get angry anyways. "Who?!" Shiro shouted up to the branch the green-haired demon stood bored. "Rin of course who else would I mean?" Amaimon deadpanned. Shiro's eyes widened at the realization. "You won't ever get him!" Yukio shouted back. The demon grew irritated and lepaed forward to kill the boy but was suddelnly wacked into a tree. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!!!" Shima squeeled.

 "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!!!" Shima squeeled

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