Chapter 9

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(Shiro pov)

Rin has been studying exorcism for the past four months now and still is, he's also been learning swordsmanship from Shura, he's gotten the basics down but still has a lot to learn. I would definitely have to say he has matured a lot since he started, he takes things a little more seriously now but he's still very goofy and dumb but he knows he has to listen to learn and he's been doing so. At first, he kept losing concentration but that was because he couldn't keep it for so long, so he learns for forty-five minutes then takes a fifteen minute break and then starts again and we do this for five hours a day. He's gotten pretty far in learning so he knows the basics as well as more, he's learned about as much as you would when you've gone through half the time of the exorcism course would but he's learned it in two months whereas it would take about four months for students to learn that much as they don't have as long classes. 

"Rin," I say as I knock on the door then enter and I see him on his bed reading. "You're still reading that book?" I ask as I gave him the book on demon kings earlier and I expected him not to be reading it after two hours. "yeah, it's honestly quite interesting." He tells me as he puts it down and sits up. I think for a moment before I tell him. "I'm going to let you meet the headmaster of the school and if you've been reading that book then I would guess you know it's Mephisto who's name real is Samuel, demon king of time but named Mephisto Pheles and Johann Faust V in public," I tell him and he nods. "Isn't he a trickster?" He asks and I give a nod. "He doesn't have the best reputation but we have to deal with it anyways." I tell him and he speaks up, "man, I feel sorry for you and Yukio having to deal with him for so many years." I give a small chuckle and tell him I agree. "Well, come on we 're going to meet him," I tell him as I turn to walk out the door. "What, now?" He asks surprised, "yes." I tell him and he quickly puts on his shoes as he walking down the stairs while also tying his shoes. We were soon ready and I took a key out and I saw Rin look at me curiously and then made an 'oh' sound. I turn back around and we make our way to the chairman's office. 

At Mephisto's office

I knock on the door and soon hear a come in and so I enter with Rin following behind me who seems a little nervous. "Ah, Mr. Fujimoto what do I owe the pleasure of this surprise visit? And who is that behind you? Might it be Rin Okumura?" I ignore his usual attitude which is annoying and weird but whatever. "I wanted him to meet you since I've been teaching him exorcism," I tell him and what he says next annoys me. "Oh, so he has found out about demons and his heritage?" He says with a sly smile, I knew what it meant, it meant he had a new pawn. "Oh shut up, you already knew you arrogant bastard." He puts on a fake face of shock and hurt as well as the choice for it but still sounded like he was a sly little bitch. "Words hurt Fujimoto, words hurt." I roll my eyes and then we have a talk about enrolling him and Rin was a little shocked to find out as I hadn't told him yet. "Surprise?" I say questionable and he rolls his eyes with a 'whatever'. "And here I thought you had matured enough the get Kurikara," I tell him with a fake sigh and look back at a smirking Mephisto. "WHAT?!" Rin jerked up excitedly and shocked. "Yeah but you've ruined it, I thought you were mature enough but apparently not." I keep the act up a little longer. "Hey! I am mature enough!" He says flailing his arms before crossing them. "Well, crossing your arms and pouting sure seems childish." His jaw drops and he looks at me in disbelief. I laugh and push my arm back as to almost hit him in the stomach. "It's fine you're mature enough so stop acting like you just got roasted." "But I just did!" He said slightly annoyed before sitting down again. I laugh again and shake my head. I talk a little more with Mephisto and with Rin joining in the conversation every so often. We headed home after a while and Rin made dinner as he usually does. 

The next day I brought him to an old building that Mephisto has let me use to let Rin unsheath the sword, it didn't really matter whether he unsheathed the sword or not as the only thing he was gaining was his flames. That went pretty well other than the part of Rin panicking and being a dumb ass.


"DAD!!! THEY WON'T COME OFF AHHH!!" He cried as he ran about like a maniac with a blue flaming sword in his hand while trying to pat out his flames. 'I really do have an idiot of a son, I think Yuri should have just named him Idiot.' I facepalm my hand as I think "RIN! THEY'RE YOUR FLAMES, YOU MAKE THEM GO AWAY!" I shouted and he looked at me shocked then continued to run about scream. I sighed before walking up to the scabbard and then walked to him and waited for him to come by me again and I quickly put the scabbard on extinguishing his flames. He ran about for a few more seconds before stopping and realizing. "Oh, they're gone. Hm, man, I must be that great." "WHAT THE HELL WHEN DID THAT GET THERE!!!" He shouts after I pointed to the sword and I shook my head in disappointment.

End flashback

Yeah... I had to deal with that. 


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