Chapter 13

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(Third person view)

"Hey teach," Bon greeted as he came up to the entrance of the old boys' dorm. "Hello, Mr. Suguro." Yukio greeted formally. "Go chose any room as the whole building is free." The Kyoto trio nodded with a "Cool!" From Shima. They entered leaving the twins to wait for the others to arrive.

Once the others had arrived the were explained a few things and then given a work sheet to do for a while with fianllt getting to relax for the night. "I'm going take a bath." Izumo announced as she made her way to the girls bathroom with Paku. "Oh I'll coem too!" Shiemi said as she quickly walked behind Izumo and Paku. "Actually could you saty outside?" Izumo asked but not really meaning it as a question but a demand. Shiemi gave a questioning look in return. "I don't want you to see me naked." Izumo told her answering the look. "Oh okay." Shiemi said with an upset voice but then put on a smile. "You don't have to wait out here you can go buy some fruit milk for me." Shiemi nodded and smiled before taking off down the hall. 

"Oh hey Shiemi, what you doing?" Rin asked with a small smile drinking his juice. "Oh I have to get fruit milk." Shiemi answerd and was about to leave when Rin raised his voice. "Will you stop that!" "What?" Shiemi asked clearly confused. "You're being an errand runner." Rin told her which in return angered Shiemi slightly. "I'm not an errand runner! I'm being a friend!" Shiemi shouted back. "Yes you are, friends don't push you arouhd like Izumo is doing." "I'm not an errand runner!" And with that Shiemi took off but not before hearing a scream and Rin telling her to go get Yukio.

Rin ran into the girls bathroom to find a demon on the ceiling and the Izumo shaking with her summons and Paku on the ground hurt. Rin gritted his teeth in angered but yet all he could do was stand there, he was scared. He was scared of hurting someone. "Ah!" Izumo screamed bringing Rin back to reality as Izumo's summons turned on her. "Rip the paper!" Rin ran and tried to tackle the demon only to be caught by the demon and strangled. He struggled trying to get out of it's grasp eventually being bashed into a wall. 'I can't do anything...I'm useless.' That's what the situation had brought Rin's thoughts to. He soon hit the floor as a shot rang trhough everyones ears. 

"Rin!" Yukio rushed over to his brother to help him sit up. Rin rubbed his neck still slghtly in pain. "Are you alright Nii~san?" Yukio asked and Rin nodded and Yukio reluctantly left his brothers side to check on Paku. Later than night Rin lay awake in his bed thinking of the fact he couldn't do anything, he was poweful, even without Satan's power he was and even with it yet he couldn't do anything and if he used Satan's power he would hurt others. 

The next day

"Dude! You liked wiped!" Shima shouted as Rin came through to the eating quarters. Rin only hummed in response rubbing his eyes. Rin had only gotten two hours sleep after his brother saying he had to get up and there was no other option. Rin got a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table beside the Kyoto Trio. Shima and Koneko looked at navy haire dboy with worry but Bon scoffed and said nothing. Rin didn't have the energy to fire back a comeback at Bon's attitude which distorted Bon but he only shook it off and contiued to eat his toast. The day contiued under the order of the teachers until left alone with the rocks on their laps fo the next three hours. 

"Ugh! Why is Mr. Okumura so cruel!" Shima complained and Bon only wined back at Shima to shut up and resulting in Bon and Kamiki fighting. "What the hell?" Bon asked as the lights had just gone out. The class questioned if it was part of the exam only to be attacked by a demon and Ni putting up a barrier. "What the hell is going on!" Bon shouted angrily as the demon contiued to try get through. "I don't kn-" Shima was cut off mid sentence after having being slached by the demon cutting through the barried. "Shima!" Bon and Kneko both shouted and as Shima fell to the ground clutching the side of his arm, he girtted his teeth as he tried to bare the pain. "Ni! Help me help Shima!" Ni followed his masters orders and the barried was finally cut down. Rin could only watch in horror as his friends battled and screamed in pain and tears finally flowing from his eyes. "Okumura! Stop being  a baby and help Kamiki! Use that damn sword!" Bon shouted angry and Rin still only watched horrified by the sight. He couldn't move, it was like his body was stuck in place. Kamiki screamed in pain and Rin lost it. Flames burst from him and destroying the two demons in the proceess. Flames surrounded him and he returend in his demon form. His legs going backwards, forwards, sideays. whichever way they landed and his chin on the floor with sad eyes and tears soaking into his fr around his fur. 

The boy's classmates stared in horror as they looked at the demon who used to be the classmate and as a few sparks of bluen fire still lingured around the room. 

"Everyone! OUT!" Yukio shouted as he arrived witht he paladin. The others only looked up shocked "OUT! NOW!" They quickly scrambled to their feet and ran out leaving the two ingured and the demon figure there. "Yukio quickly went to tent to the ingured and Shiro went to his son. "Rin?" Shiro asked. No response. "Rin, asnwer me." More teras came but still nor response. "Can you get up?" No move was made and Shiro sighed picking up his son and carryi g him like a baby to the twins dorm room. There he put the boy down on the pillow on his bed and left tot he door giving one more look which was sad before shutting the door behind him and making his way to to where the class was. 

Shiro coughed to get the classes attention. "W-What's happening?" Koneko asked clearly terrifed. "I'll explain when we have everyone with us but for now go to your rooms and rest for now and do NOT go into the twins room no matter how tempting it may be to see Rin or ask for answers." "H-How is Rin?" Shiemi asked still terrified but still wanting to ask to know if her friend was okay. "I'm not sure myself but do as I said for now." The class nodded and made their way to their rooms and Shiro made his way to help Yukio with the injured. 


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