Chapter 8

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(Rin pov)

I had just run downstairs and saw what seemed to be some small demons that were now attacking the church. Not even a minute after dad had gone downstairs he already had a loaded gun in his hand ready to defend the church. I saw Yukio and the clergymen also defending along with Shiro. I wasn't sure about what to do, I'd never learned exorcism like my brother, I only know how to act human and be a demon, the exact thing everyone wanted to destroy. I guess that's how the world works, their mind was embedded with the intent to kill and fear demons. They've never been taught anything else. Humans aren't very capable of change they often like things how they are and their morals will never change. But what about me? What about my morals. I'm a demon and especially one that will be feared worldwide, I'm Satan's son for crying out loud! I want people to see that I'm not a threat like they could see me if they knew I existed. But they'll never see that... Unless...

(Third person view)

"These little bastards are really starting to tick me off!" Shiro shouted as he continued to minigun the hobgoblins and few other small demons that had gotten in the church. Shiro had said when he saw what was happening he would need to make the barrier stronger. "They're still coming!" Izumi shouted as more and more poured into the church, they were infinite at this point. "Yukio! Get Rin and take him upstairs and make sure he's safe and stays there!" Shiro shouted to his son and nodded in response. Yukio put his guns in his pockets and ran to Rin and grabbed his arm. "C'mon!" He shouted as Rin turned around and started to walk with Yukio who wanted to sprint up the stairs to get his brother to safety but Rin suddenly stopped when he finally decided.

 Decided sitting around and doing nothing was rather boring. 

The loud roar echoed in the church and made the low-level demon stop for a moment before roaring and screeching at rin. Rin ran forward and his larger demon form, he was about two heads larger than Shiro so rather big. He ran forward and clawed, scratched, whacked, bit, anything that he could do that would kill the demons he did. The others stood in shock for a moment before getting back into action but this time with Rin in the fight.

The demons eventually either were killed or retreated out of the church and it happened a lot quicker than it would have without Rin, he was a big help. "Rin?" Shiro asked as blue flames surrounded the large demon formed Rin and then left the tired, small, white fluffed demon. Rin let out a sigh of tiredness before responding with a questioning yes. "You never told us you could do that." Shiro said and Rin responded with: "Neither did I." And with that, he fell asleep. 

(Shiro pov)

"Neither did I." And he fell straight asleep, 'guess that took a lot out of him.' I picked up his small frame and carried him to his bed upstairs. I went back downstairs to find there were a few things needing repair. 'At least it isn't as bad as when Astaroth attacked, that took a lot of work.' I sighed in relief at my thought before I started to clear up the few broken benches and windows, other than that there was nothing other than a bit of cleaning of the mess the demons caused. The clergymen helped and resting every now and then but it didn't take long to tidy and then repair. 

For the next few days, Rin had been very much himself but he often seemed to be in deep thought and I was confused about what kept him in such deep thought well, that was until he told me... 

"Hey, dad?" Rin came into the kitchen where I sat just going over the normal exorcist files because I had to go over the new files I was given a few days ago. "Yeah, Rin?" I ask back and he takes a breath before saying: "I- I want to become an exorcist." He said it as calmly as he could I could tell he was trying to hold back just blurting it out in a yell. But for the main part, I sat there in shock it was something I hadn't expected but since he had helped with killing demons a few days before I had a small suspicion he was thinking about it but I hadn't actually expected him to go through with it. I thought about what to say. "I have one thing to say." I paused and he had a worried face of me saying no I would guess. "Yes BUT!" I told him before he could celebrate. "I expect you to work hard on studying exorcism, I'm not going to let you start then just throw it away, if you choose this then you will carry it out. Is that understood?" I ask sternly and he replies with: "yes." He sounded very formal and almost grown-up it was quite weird, not too sure if it suited him. Rin had always been the excited, do whatever, don't follow rules type of kid and I wouldn't change that for the world, my son's are a blessing even if one of them is an idiot.

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