~i made her mine~

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Y/n walked into her house with F/n, C/f/n, and C/n. They finally arrived home after 3 hours of walking around the mall. They invited a few more friends to come to rexalx and watch a movie. Y/n went into the kitchen to grab some snacks of them all to share while watching a movie.

"Are you gonna tell him you like him?" F/n whispers to Y/n, knowing she has a small crush on C/n.

"Maybe, we all know we both like each other, I think I'll just wait until he makes the first move. F/ rolls her eyes away from Y/n contemplating if she should tell C/n her feelings.

"What movie did you guy wanna watch?" C/f/n yelled from the couch.

"Let's watch....Good Boys!" F/n said walking and placing popcorn and candy on the coffee table.

"Sure, I'm down," C/n said. "Y/n can we talk for a sec. F/n gave them both a smirking face as they headed out to the porch.

"Yeah, what's up?" She looked to her toes, nervous more than enough. They started to flirt with each other like normal, both knowing they have feelings for one another, but nothing was dared to be said.

"I know you like me, and you know I like you," He looked into her eyes and grabbed her gently by the waist, he looks into her eyes, they trail down to her lips, trialing right back up to her eyes while gravity is pulling them into on another. They slowing crash their lips together, fitting like a puzzle piece. Nothing was hard, or pressured. It felt like a weight being lifted off of their backs. After about a couple of seconds, they both drifted apart keeping each other close.

"I'll be yours, if you'll be mine?" He whispers into her ear. He brings his face back to hers.

"Of course" Y/n whispers placing her hands from his chest to his shoulders, they lean in to kiss one more time, more of a loving peck. After noticing they have been away from the group for a slight while they head back into the room.

"Where were you guys?" C/of/n asks as they both sit on the couch. Y/n blushing, and C/n with a confident smile. He pulls Y/n by the waist and set her on his lap.

"I made her mine"

(391 Words)

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