~stopped talking~

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"Y/n? Since you, F/n, and F/n/2 are working in a group of three and this project calls for only partners, could you work with C/n? He was absent yesterday and doesn't have a partner." T/n explains while C/n stands awkwardly to the side, clutching the rubric.

You bite your lip. With C/n? The boy who used to be so open with you but practically ignores your existence now? The boy you practically fell in love with?

"Well, uh... I mean..." T/n  stares at you with pleading eyes. S/he was one of the few teachers you actually liked and knew that you couldn't resist any puppy eyes.

"I guess just this once would be okay." You squeak out and slide to a desk closer to his. Your teacher sighs in relief and walks away. You purse your lips and take out a piece of notebook paper.

"So, uh... I guess.. we start now?" you question unsurely. He nods and takes out a pencil, tapping it gently against the desk out of habit.

"Yeah... so what should this be about?" he asks, refusing to make any eye contact with you. You pause and think.

"(Fav animal)," you say emotionlessly. He stops tapping his pencil and looks up at you with an arched eyebrow.

"Sorry, did you just say (Fav animal)?" he asks, a small smile creeping onto his face. You nod shyly.

"Y-yeah.. I read this thing on Tumblr where this duck was being sadistic and hurt or killed some other ducks. So I thought we could kinda use that, but with (Fav animal) !" you explain quietly. A quiet, sweet chuckle erupts from his throat.

"You still go on that site?" he asks, a bit amused. You smile and nod.

"Of course! it's the best!" you state, doodling a bit on the paper. He pauses.

"Okay, but we aren't going to use that plot." He gives you a flat stare. You grin a bit sheepishly at him. Whoops.

"So, how about we write about  (topic choice)?" he asks. It was a bit of an odd story, honestly... but if you liked it...

"Yeah! It'll be fine." You assure. He smiles slightly at you and sighs, leaning back in his chair.

Only one question is on your mind right now, and it hasn't left since you started working with him.

"Um, C/n?" You ask hesitantly.

He responds with a "hmm?" You bite your lip and take a deep breath.

"Why did we ever stop talking? I mean... we used to hang out all the time..." you trail off uncertainly.


My breath catches in my throat. Of course, she would ask that question. It made me guilty, to finally realize how much of an effect it had on her.

What was I supposed to tell her?

"Oh yeah, Y/n ... I just didn't want to fall in love deeper, so I cut off all ties with you. Not to mention that I still like you."

Pftt. Like that would go smoothly anyways. I don't think I'd ever let her know the real reason.

So I came up with a stupid pathetic response.

"I thought I was bugging you so I just kinda stopped. I mean... we could start again, you know." I whisper. I don't look at her face. What if some kind of expression of disgust is plastered all over her?

"Yeah! Of course! I would love that! Do you need my number?" she blurts out excitedly. I smile slightly. She was so adorable.

"I never deleted it, actually," I admit, a hint of red brushing my cheeks. She giggles.

"Good, cause I never did either." She breathes. My heart starts to race faster.

I never understood how I could still hold feelings for her even after all this time.

And maybe.. maybe when we were hanging out this afternoon... I didn't just hold some gushy feeling of love or whatever.

I held her hand too~.

(656 Words) 

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