~i hate heels~

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"You look gorgeous..." C/n breathes, biting his bottom lip. His e/c eyes never left your face even as you begin walking down the staircase. Not the most graceful person, heels aren't easy to walk in. When you reached the second to last step, you tripped over your heels and you fell forwards. C/n let out a shout and ran to where you were sprawled on the ground.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" he asks, again and again, trying to help you up. You involuntarily let out a short cry of pain. "Did I make it worse?!" he sounds panicked.

"No, no...I just," you grimace. "I can't move my leg."

"Wait, it's broken?" his voice pitches.

"Um." You really didn't want to worry him for no reason. "No, no, I'm okay, let's just go,"

"I have to get you to the hospital," he says. He slips his hands under your body and lifts you up slowly. You grit your teeth, trying not to make a sound.

"I'm sorry about you missing F/n's party," you say. His eyes are impossibly dark, but they widen at your words.

"He throws one like once every week anyway," C/n replies. He leans down to kiss the top of your head. "I just want you to be okay."

(218 Words)

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