~height difference~

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"Does our height difference ever bother you?" you say in a timid voice, your hands getting clammier in anticipation of what your boyfriend could say next.

C/n stops to stare you, "No? of course not."

You only nod in reply. honestly? you didn't know what to expect with his response but something about it definitely left you feeling somewhat discontented.

It's not that you were jealous of all the people that got a better reach of him than you did, it's just that sometimes you can't help but think that it'd be way more convenient for him if he was dating someone a bit closer to his eye level.

Compared to C/n, you were fairly on the shorter side of the spectrum and after he first asked you out, this gradually became one of your more frequent insecurities.

"Does it bother you?" he asks you this time, his tone laced in a mixture of confusion and amusement.

Your shoulders ease, "no, not really."

The two of you proceed to walk in silence after that, the third year floor corridors almost completely empty from the early dismissal and you can't help but hope to break the unwanted tension you regretting created.

C/n pauses in his tracks just before both of you could turn the corner, a frown delicately adorning his features, "hey— what brought this up?"

"Oh." you sigh, "well— don't you think you'd be better off dating someone a bit taller than me?"

His face drops almost immediately, the frown on his face worsening as he says, "wait, are you breaking up with me or something? because I'm too tall?"

Obviously not. that was definitely the last thing you had in mind and as much as you wanted to tell him that, you can't help but find amusement in the way he's reading into things.

"No, dumbass." you smile, "I just feel short when I'm with you all the time."

C/n fakes a relieved dramatized sigh, wiping off fake sweat from his forehead as he repeatedly declares how heartbroken he would've been if you did dump him.

He looks at you again, a warm glint in his eye as he tries to analyze your expression, "being bigger than you is one of the few things I take immense happiness in, you know."

"Good on you then," you playfully roll your eyes, smiling, "but I'd like to feel taller than you too."

Your boyfriend goes silent for a second and no moment more than that, he's sporting a whole new kind of smile, his hand taking hold of your wrist and he's quick but careful enough to trail you along without making you trip.

He stops at the head of the staircase, patting down your shoulders as he says, "stay here."

C/n takes three steps down, certain to not trip over his own foot and once he's settled, he turns to face you.

The step gap he created between the two of you made it enough for your eye level to reach his and even though there was a difficult width that separated you both, you were still pretty chipper at how easy it was to look him straight in the face.

He smiles at you, "Well, aren't you the tall one."

"The weather up here is overrated," you tell him with a playful huff, "but it is nice to finally see over your head."

The silence that follows is drastic. yours and his laughter taking turns to fill the air as you both did nothing but exchange banter in the awkward yet comfortable setup he made for you. "You're still my shorty," C/n whispered.

You take his face in your hands, and despite the cautious three-step gap that lies between you two, you don't hesitate any further to give him a kiss that'd always send him over the moon.

Needless to say, C/n was definitely taking you to more staircases now.

(627 Words)

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