~no matter what, love is still there~

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C/n stared at the couch and the not so soft blanket and sighed as he decided to go upstairs to their bedroom. He had another argument with Y/n a few hours earlier, but he didn't felt like sleeping on the couch tonight.

He carefully opened the door of their bedroom, Y/n had been under the sheets for at least a good thirty minutes, but she wasn't feeling that sleepy yet.

C/n took off his clothes, only his pair of boxers staying on. He slipped under the sheets and stayed on his side of the bed, careful not to have physical touch with his girlfriend.

His mind was going crazy about the silliest things, it wasn't everything about her, but almost. He had other things to worry about, but tonight she was the most important thing on his mind.

He silently groaned as he turned to Y/n's side and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her back against his naked torso. Y/n had already a few tears streaming down her face, she hated fighting with her boyfriend.

"I hate being mad at you," C/n stated, but it wasn't an apology. He knew they had to talk over the things that weren't going right in their relationship, but he was tired of arguing and shouting. Tonight he just wanted to forget everything for a while. "I hate when we're angry at each other," he sighed as Y/n placed her hand on top of his.

He delicately kissed the skin of her cheek, feeling like his girlfriend was all of a sudden really fragile.

"I love you," he said, wanting her to know that even when he was still mad at her. He waited in silence for her answer, but she never opened her mouth. He tightened his grip on her waist, becoming impatient. "Say it back, baby," he begged, whining a little.

Y/n had her eyes closed, her jaw clenched as she thought about all the things he had said that had upset her so much. But then she also remembered how good C/n was to her when he wasn't being stupid, he was the person she cared the most about. He was the person she wanted to talk to at the end of the day. It was always him.

"Please," He said desperately.

"I love you, too bubba," she finally whispered before she wiped her tears. She knew that was what mattered the most. Their love. With that, everything would be just fine.

(403 Words)

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