~flour fight~

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I woke up to hear a loud noise coming from the front room. I looked over and noticed C/n wasn't in bed. I grabbed his shirt from last night and threw it on along with some shorts. I walked out to our front room seeing C/n on the couch playing one of his video games. He noticed me leaning up against the wall watching him. He paused his game and looked over what I was wearing.

"You know baby, I think you wear my shirts better than I do." He told me. I walked towards the kitchen noticing that I was pretty hungry.

"Your shirts are always comfier than mine," I told him as I opened the fridge to look for something to eat. I didn't notice C/n walking towards the kitchen until I felt his arms wrap around me from behind.

"Last night was perfect." He whispered into my ear.

"I can't even think about that because of how hungry I am right now," I told him.

"Let's make some pancakes then. How does that sound?"

"Sounds great babe," I said as I turned to face him. He cupped my face and pulled me into a deep passionate kiss. I pulled away after a few seconds and said, "Let's make some food."

"Such a tease." C/n said under his breath.

We started making pancake mix from scratch. We were doing well until I accidentally got flour in C/n's hair.

"Oh, Y/n you're going to pay for that." He said as he grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at me before I could get out of the way.

"Game on babe," I said to him, grabbing more flour and throwing it at him. We kept this up until we ran out of flour to throw at each other.

"Okay, okay. Truce?" He asked out of breath.

"Sure babe," I whispered into his ear then pulled him into a kiss.

"We need to get you out of these dirty clothes." He said as he pulled off his shirt that I was wearing. He continued to kiss me as he pulled me up onto the countertop. I pulled him into me wrapping my legs around his waist.

"We need to talk this into the bedroom," I told him after breaking the kiss to take off his shirt.

"My pleasure baby girl." He whispered harshly into my ear as he picked me up and carried me into our bedroom with me still wrapped around his waist.

(415 Words)

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