~new hair~

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You're sitting cross-legged on the carpet, your back leaning up against C/n's bed. He's lying on his stomach in front of you, his head in your lap. You're carting your fingers through his hair, while also untangling the small braid that you had put into his hair at the beginning of your movie.

He hasn't spoken in a while, he'd let you see the hurting part of him. His grandfather passed away this morning, he didn't know what to do with himself. They were close, closer than C/n was with his own father. He was lost in his thoughts now, so when he finally speaks you jump and he snakes his right arm around you to settle you.

"I need to do something different with my hair. I need a change." He said, it was random but he needed some change.

You nod and brush a hand down his spine, letting him know that you'll call his stylist. C/n falls asleep almost immediately afterward, soothed by your gentle touch and momentarily distracted by you from the mental turmoil. However, not completely and you don't miss the tear that rolls down his cheek and land on your thigh before he surrenders to slumber.

He wakes up a couple of hours later, just before his stylist arrives and the two of you spend the time brainstorming ideas.

C/n's stylist works wonders and in no time your boyfriends' hair is (new color) instead of (his normal hair color) with fading short hair on the sides. It's a different look and it seems to make him look even older which wasn't a bad thing.

He pulls you into his room and wraps an arm around you, holding you close. You hold him close, pressing kisses to every part of him that you can reach.

This poor boy had gone through too much, he'd been hurt too many times.

When C/n's shoulders begin to shake and you feel his tears on your neck, as well as hear the sharp, pained breaths, you just pull him closer and allow him to cling to you. You whisper words of support, encouragement, and love into his ear as he holds on to you desperate for the wounds to finally close and the pain to ease.

(369 Words)

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