~bad day comfort~

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    Your week had already been bad enough, considering that you and your parents weren't getting along and you were barely getting any sleep thanks to having projects in every class, but now that your friend was mad at you for something you couldn't even remember doing, your week was just an overall nightmare. It was ridiculously impossible for you to understand how she could get everyone on her side in a matter of seconds, but any time you slipped up she'd be at it again, winning the votes over. As the last bell of the day rings you gather your books and leave the classroom, headed straight for your locker. You dial in your combination robotically and shove your books in, without the slightest care of neatness.

"I thought you were more of the clean type," (y/c) says, appearing beside your locker. "What's up?"
"Nothing, I'm fine," you lie.
"(y/n), you have to give me more credit. I know you better than you think I do!"
"Mhmmm," you say, not looking at him. How does he make you this nervous? You're just friends, you remind the butterflies in your stomach. As you stand up straight, pretending to reach for something at the top of your locker, he rests his hand on your lower back.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk to me about anything? Like...maybe (y/f)?" There's a small period of silence before you answer.
"Ugh, has she told everyone yet?"
"Actually, she made posters and-" he teases, stopping only once you hit him lightly in the stomach. That boy has got a serious six pack on him! "You just seem really stressed, and I hate seeing you upset. It hurts me to see you hurting..."
"Then what are you going to do about it?" you tease, but wait, did you really just say that out loud? Your jaw drops open, and as you're about to take back what you said he takes a step closer to you.
"This," he says, and that gorgeous smirk you love so much spreads across his face. He extends both of his arms and turns you from your locker to him, slowly pulling you into his chest. You wrap your arms slowly but firmly around him and rest your cheek on his shoulder, as he presses closer into you with his arms low but tight around your waist. His whole body is tense, envelopping you in his warmth. As the duration of the hug goes from friendly to - well more than friendly - you loosen your hold on him, but as you're about to pull away (y/c) holds you tighter. You refirmen your grip and take a deep breath in, catching the scent of his heavenly cologne. His chin rests on top of your head, and you're almost taken aback when you feel him press his lips to the top of your head.
"Better,?" he whispers.
"A little longer." You say slowly, gental closing your eyes taking in his warm scent.


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