~paint wars~

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 "C/n, I need help!" I shouted hearing him enter our new apartment.

"Hold up, babe. Let me change." He said poking his head into the room. I continued painting our bedroom with a light yellow color. I felt two arms wrap around me pulling me closer.

"I like this color," C/n said spinning me around so I was facing him.

"Thanks." I said smiling at him and giving him a sweet kiss, "how about you help me now." Handing him a paintbrush, we both started working. Suddenly, I felt cold paint run along the back of my arm.

"Babe!" I turned around to see C/n cracking up on the floor, "it's so on." I said dipping my brush in paint and stroking it across his face. He smirked dunking his hand in the paint and slowly walking towards me. I backed up and hit the wall with wet paint.

"I didn't even have to do anything!" C/n said laughing. I took the brush that was still in my hand and splattered it all over him. He ran towards me wrapping his arms playfully around me smacking my but with his paint-coated hands. I gasped and jumped laughing as he carried me around the room. I swished my brush all along his arms and torso before we fell to the ground from laughing.

"Maybe we should stop painting for today," I said watching C/n, as he lay sprawled across the ground. He got up and reached out to lift me to my feet.

"Let's go get cleaned up." He said carrying me to the bathroom for a shower.

"Here, wear this." C/n said handing me the shirt he was wearing before since all my clothes were at my old apartment. I pulled his NASA t-shirt, which was one of my favorites, over my head. C/n wore only his boxers watching me intently as I looked at myself in the mirror. He attached his hands to my waist pulling my back towards his bare chest and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I think you look beautiful, as always." He placed a sweet kiss on my neck, "Cuddle?" We spent the rest of the day in each other's arms enjoying the empty room.

(362 Words)

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