~the kiss~

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C/n was like a walking ball of sexual energy. Mysterious, tall, slender, nice hair, hot voice. Perfect. And having said that it was pretty obvious why you were dying to kiss him.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, looking at you from where he sat on the couch. You shifted awkwardly, clenching your hand on your legs and taking a deep breath. "Hey, the movie? Bad Boys or Clueless?" He asked again. You bit your lip before quickly kissing his lips and then proceeding to swiftly get the hell out of there. You ran out of his room, hating your self as you jumped down each stair and started to leave.

"Y/N wait." C/n said, speeding after you. He slid in front of the door and you couldn't help but be confused by the smug smirk he wore. "You kissed me," He stated. You groaned.

"Yeah- I'm sorry- I shouldn't have-" He kept talking over you.

"Shut up and let me kiss you back." He said, smiling at your surprised expression as he pressed he planted a sneaky kiss on your mouth. 

(182 Words)

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