~just eat, for me~

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You liked him. He was everything you could possibly want in a boyfriend. Everything from his eyes that you could drown in, his adorable pinch-able cheeks, his super smooth face that you feel like begged to be touched, to his height. He was about a foot or so taller than you, which made your attraction toward him burgeon. He was... Perfect. You wished you could be perfect too since that's what he deserved. Subconsciously, you ate less, since that was one thing you could control, however, you didn't overdo it, because you didn't hate being in your skin, you just wanted to experiment with change.

It was your break time at school. You finished paying for it and you were off to your table to sit with your friends. You only bought an apple and a bagel. You walk by the trashcan on your way to the table and throw one half away when you're stopped by, (C/N).

"Hey, (Y/N). What's up?" He asks as he invites you in for a half hug. "Woah, someones been working out lately," He says with a sincere smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Really? I mean, I've went to the gym a few times," you lie.

"Right," he replies. You can tell he didn't buy it. "Did I see you just throw away that bagel?" He asks.

"No. Well.. not the whole thing," you chuckle nervously. "I'm just a bit under the weather today that's all."

"Oh." He says. "I would have eaten it," he laughs, and you smile. His laugh, that was another thing you added to the list. You could replay it all day, every day.

"By the way, I have to pick up my little sister from school today, so I just wanted to know if you'd grab a bite with me in the meantime while I wait for the elementary school to let out."

"Oh yeah sure," you say excitedly. "Should I just meet you at your car after school?"

"Yup, see you then," he tells you as he walks over to his own table.

 This perfect boy and you would be spending time together after school. Him and all the aspects of him that you admired. You couldn't be happier. You were so ecstatic.

After school, you met with (C/N), and he drove you to a fast food place.

"Romantic, right?" He tells you.

"Uh, what?" you ask confused. Hearing him utter the word 'romantic' snapped you into some sort of shock. Had he known you liked him?

"I'm just kidding," he says with a laugh. "It's just that this is the first place I've taken you; a fast-food restaurant. Get it?" He laughs again. "Sorry this isn't 'goals' but, it's all I have money for." He reaches into his pocket and asks, "what do you want, I'll order for us."

"Uh, I'll just take a burger." You say nervously as you pull a strand of hair behind you and rub your arm.

"Are you sure? That's it?" he asks. You nod. "Nah, I'll get us a little more than that," he studies you. "And we're gonna eat it all. I'm not that broke," he chuckles and orders for you while you sit at the booth.

"Ah, it's finally here," he says with a huge smile on his face. He sits right beside you, and you thought that was weird. You thought he'd sit infront of you since you got a booth. "I could eat a cow." On the tray, there are four burgers, two large fries, and three ten-piece chicken nuggets. He also got you a strawberry smoothie. You look at all the food in shock.

"Well dig in," he nudges your arm.

"Well how much is for me," you say with your eyes wide.

"i get half, you get half. Fair share." He answers smiling with food already in his mouth.

"I don't think I–," you begin

"(Y/N), I'm sorry but I've noticed that you haven't been eating as much, and it's really getting to me, okay, so will you just please eat the burger, for me?" he says more seriously but calm and in a light tone.

"Well, I'm sorry but what I will and won't eat really isn't any of your business." You stand up, not really knowing where you'd go since he did bring you there.

"You know it's my business," he says sternly as he takes your wrist and looks you in the eye. "Obviously I care about you."

"Okay but–"

"No 'okay but' anything," he pulls you to sit back next to him. "Will you please stop arguing and just sit and eat with me?"

Even sitting you have to gaze up at him.

"I'm done arguing," he says. He moves his hand from your wrist to your cheeks, and pulls you into him. Your lips are lightly touching his, and you both are breathing a little heavier when he asks, "are you?"

You slightly nod, giving him permission to do what you've wanted him to do for so long. His lips feel like heaven. You felt the passion he put in it. He really did care for you. He moaned slightly and you kissed him back harder. His hands ran through your hair, and your hands roamed to the cheeks on that super soft skin you admired. You didn't want this moment to end, but when it did, you held his hands that were still on your face.

"Thank you." You said to him smiling.

He licked his lips and said, "my pleasure."

(903 Words) tublur creds

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