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Bio: Cynthia Shirona is a powerful Pokémon trainer and the first female Champion of the Sinnoh region where Professor Carolina, Cynthia's grandmother, runs the Pokémon Research Lab in Celestic Town. She is a wonderfully nice person who deeply cares for both Pokémon and her friends that she helps out trainers who look up to her and she would give them tips/facts for their journey. 

Outside of battle, Cynthia can be very air-headed and indecisive; she's even shown to have troubles deciding what type of ice cream to order. Despite this, she is a very serious trainer and takes Pokémon very seriously.

Cynthia is from Celestic Town. When she was young, she always thought of becoming the strongest among all the trainers. In Cynthia's early age, she always pushed her Pokémon in strong battles. She realizes that stronger bonds with Pokémon are more important than becoming stronger. After that, she fights for what is right, and cares for all kinds of Pokémon, good Pokémon and bad Pokémon. She is nice even to those who aren't and to anyone with whom holds her in high regards. She often says "Battle Dance" after calling a Pokémon out for battle. Cynthia travels Sinnoh looking at ruins and myths to do with Legendary Pokémon.

She went against Team Galactic, who planned on capturing the Lake Guardians, Azelf, Uxie, and Mespirit to use for their master's, Cyrus, plan. After capturing them and taking them to their headquarters in Veilstone City, Cyrus extracts the red gems on their heads to form the Red Chain, a chain that he would use to control Palkia and Dialga to destroy the universe and recreate it and rule it as it's God.

Cynthia encounters Cyrus at The Spear Pillar and challenges him to a battle. As she defeated Cyrus' Pokémon, he infoms her that she was too late. He summons both Legendary Pokémon and begins to start the process of creating a new world. The Lake Trio arrive to stop him but even their combined power couldn't control both Legendary Pokémon. However, a black hole opens and the Renegade Pokémon, Giratina appears before Cyrus. It destroyed the Red Chain, freeing Palkia and Dialga and attacks both Cyrus and Cynthia, bringing them to the Distortion World.

Trapping them, Cyrus had Giratina purge her from the perfect world he found in the Direction World. Out of anger rather than compliance, Giratina did so. Fighting to survive, Cynthia had been scarred by the events that happened. Once she immediately found a way back home, both Cynthia and Cyrus ended up in the Sendoff Spring, a secret fourth lake by Turnback Cave. Looker of the Pokémon International Police arrested Cyrus and had Cynthia escorted to a hospital. The only things she came out with were a few mental scars and a physical one going down from her neck to her shoulder. She's yet to say how she got it and hasn't told anyone else, not even her grandmother.

Years later, she joined the World Championship Pokémon Tournament, A tournament designed to see who was the strongest Champion in the whole planet. Cynthia defeats Lance, Champion of Johto and Former Elite Four of Kanto, then she moves on to fight Alder, Champion of Unova. Before their battle, Alder asks Cynthia out to dinner once more like he did in the past, with her once again saying, "You can go by yourself, like you always do."

Cynthia beats Alder and moves to fight Diantha, Champion of Kalos. Only her Garchomp and Diantha's Gardevoir remained. Diantha introduces Cynthia to Mega Evolution as she Mega Evolves Gardevoir into Mega Gardevoir. Cynthia barely won by a fraction, but Garchomp defeats Mega Gardevoir and came out on top.

The Finals arrived and Cynthia is introduced to the reigning Champion of Hoenn and the World Tourney, Steven Stone. Their first battle ended almost in a tie, but Garchomp pulled through and won.

Many battles later, Cynthia started to develop feelings for Steve and they eventually started dating. Their last battle featured their Mega Evolved Garchomp and Metagross respectively, in the became The Tournament's greatest battle in history. After ending in a draw, Steven declares Cynthia the winner and proposes to her live in front of the others, with Cynthia saying yes.

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