Chapter 5: Lucky stars

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Narrator's POV

The backyard looked like an absolute mess. Puzzle mats formed like a maze with planks and trampolines by the pool and a wheel of dares stood in the middle of the backyard. Reese and the guys had just picked their numbers on the order of who will go first.

"Me first!" Anthony said while wearing a dinosaur costume so it just sounded like random noises because of his muffled voice.

A few minutes into the game and Reese landed on a dare. Spinning the wheel, it landed on a dare that read "Stunt dive."

"Ughhh I really didn't want to get soaked!" Reese said pouting which only earned a couple of cheers from the guys.

Cenna brought his camera over to where the pool was to catch Reese's dare. Doing a backflip into the pool, Reese got another round of cheers before climbing up the pool's stairs.

Reese was met with Nick draping a towel over her shoulders which Cenna made sure to include in the video.

"Uhh.. you might want to cover up," Nick said shyly looking away from a soaking Reese whose bra could be seen because of her white cropped top.

Reese blushed madly at his comment and proceeded to cover herself with the towel and chuckled nervously at what he said.

"This is so going in the video too," Cenna said facing the camera towards him as he caught the rather awkward moment between the two.

In the end Adi won the game with Jojo and Nick close by. Of course, the gang did not survive without a few casualties over the course of the game - Tal covered in slime, Anthony's dinosaur costume nearly ripped in half, Ant bathing in maple syrup, and a whole bunch of shenanigans.

It was already evening when they finished filming and the guys decided to have a pool party. String lights lit up the backyard with music in the background and of course, drinks. Lots and lots of drinks.

Everybody was sitting on the grass catching up on stories except for Nick and Reese who sat by the pool with their feet in the water.

"Man, who knew," Reese said, chuckling to herself.

"Knew what?"

"I'd get to meet friends as awesome as you guys. Thank God for lucky stars," Reese said as she glanced at the guys who were laughing at Mike. Apparently he can't hold his liquor really well and he's about to strip naked.

"C'mon, Reese. You're bound to meet awesome people. We're just lucky we found you and got to keep you first. Thank God for that, huh?" Nick said, smiling at Reese.

Reese could only smile in response, being at loss for words. He always knew what to say when it comes to Reese despite knowing each other only for a few months.

Locked in each other's eyes, Nick inched closer to close the space between him and Reese to catch her lips. He wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do at that moment and his heart was bouncing right off the walls of his chest.

Jojo was about to get up to get more drinks when he froze in his tracks upon seeing the two by the poolside.

"Yo yo yo yo," Jojo could only utter those syllables when he turned the guys' heads to Nick and Reese's direction.

The guys were completely shocked at the new revelation and being the kids they were, began slapping each other's arms like a bunch of schoolgirls who got asked out on a date by their crush.

As he pulled away he saw Reese's blushing face and yet he didn't know what she was thinking or what she was going to say.

"Reese, I--"

Nick was cut off when Reese pecked his lips and she smiled the brightest smile she could ever put on.

"About time, Mayorga," she said as she laughed.

At that moment, all doubts Nick had were completely erased from his mind.

"I've been wanting to do that since the day we met," Nick said with his eyes on Reese's lips as he leaned in for another kiss.

By the time the new couple went inside, the guys were already chilling by the living room watching a basketball game. Hearing the sliding door open, Reese and Nick were met by loud cheers from the guys when they walked in holding hands.

"Finally!" Tal said.

"So it's official?"

"Definitely," Nick said as he kissed Reese on the cheek which earned another round of cheers from the guys.

A/N: the board game concept was adapted from Free Time's video and was tweaked to suit the story :)

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