Chapter 2: GTK

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Reese's POV

School passed by quickly and it's already summer break. After all, I did transfer with only a few months left. I made new friends but Nick became one of my best friends in school and one of my closest among the Free Time members. We hung out regularly on weekends and it was really fun being around them. I even got to meet Adi's, Tal's and Mike's girlfriends which were really fun to be with too.

This summer break, they were talking about how they're going to make so much content for their viewers because almost all of the members are free during summer except for Ant, Nick's brother. Anthony plays baseball for uni so he still has to go to school during the summer.

"Hey Reese, want to see how we make our videos?" Asked Cenna.

Come to think of it, I've been friends with them for a few months now and I haven't gotten the chance to see them in their house filming videos. Of course, I've been to their house a couple of times but only when we hung out and had a chill time.

I agreed to meet them at their place tomorrow morning and I was pretty excited to see how they do their videos. I kinda missed that vibe. I used to film and edit all my videos before coming here to LA and I'm still thinking whether or not I should post on my channel again.

The next day I went over to their house and it's a bit quiet. A little too quiet for eight guys living together.

By the doorway someone put his arm around my shoulder to my surprise. I jumped a little when he did this causing him to burst out laughing.

"What's up guys, this is Nick Mayorga and welcome to Free Time!"

I looked at Nick with utmost disbelief while he's still filming, clueless of everything that's been going on. I thought I was here to watch them not be a part of their filming!

"For today's video we have a very special guest joining us and she's one of my best friends. Please welcome Reese Davidson!"

As if on cue the guys jumped out from where they were hiding and clapped their hands like a bunch of wild monkeys causing me to laugh as well.

"For today's segment all of this is being broadcasted live as we've prepared a special video for you guys!" Chimed in Anthony.

"Today's segment will be a hot seat slash question and answer segment for your Free Time family so if you guys want us to answer some of your questions make sure to tune in live right now!" Tal said, swiping the camera motioning for Cenna to pan the camera towards the living room where a huge flat screen will be displaying the questions.

The guys asked me to sit in the middle of the couch, wedged between Nick and Adi since these guys were like giants compared to my height and sitting in the middle is the only way for me to be seen, according to Mike, who is actually around my height which makes it funny lol.

The questions thrown at the guys were really funny at the same time worth thinking about. There were questions like how long are they planning to keep the channel running, why's Tal's neck so long, do the Mayorga brothers have girlfriends, can Michael actually speak Spanish, and a whole bunch of crazy questions.

As Jojo was scrolling through the comments section since it was his turn to pick, he came across a rather odd question.

"Hey guys? Check this out," Jojo motioned for Adi and Ant to come closer to the laptop.

I was busy checking my emails for noteworthy messages so I didn't really mind that they were forming a crowd over the laptop.

"Guys? Is something wrong?" I asked, pushing up my glasses over my head after reading my emails.

"Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for today but we promise you guys we'll be uploading another video real soon so watch out for that. Peace out!" Cenna said they're infamous outro and turned off the camera.

I was getting really confused looking at their faces like they've seen a ghost, the ghost being me.

"What? Do I have something on my face? What is it?"

"You're actually famous?"


"New York?!"

"I...uhhh...." I only scratched the back of my head with a goofy grin plastered on my face and suddenly the floor looked interesting. I get shy when people learn stuff about me and I could only feel sorry because it feels like I wasn't completely honest with them, especially Nick.

"Girl, sit your ass down we about to have a loooong talk." Cenna said, imitating a woman's voice causing me to laugh and release the tension that built up in the living room.

So I ended up telling them about everything - of course, they already knew the basics - that I ended up here because of my dad's business. I told them how I used to make vlogs and how these vlogs weren't exactly a hobby and more of like what they do. I wasn't surprised when they didn't know about me because my vlogs weren't exactly like theirs. I guess I could say I appeal to a more specified audience since I post travel vlogs unlike their light and fun videos.

"Wait a minute. Hold up. You're THE Reeses'Pieces?! I love your work! I knew you looked familiar but I couldn't quite figure it out." Jojo said, much to my surprise.

Apparently Jojo likes to travel a lot and usually visits my channel to look up cool places to go to.

That day was full of questions for me, even more than what they answered during their video! We talked all day which I never knew I could do.

"Well guys, there's one more thing. Your girls already knew about me since day one, I just told them to keep it for themselves for now until you figure it out," I said sheepishly.

And at that moment, I swear it felt like I was looking at a still life portrait with mouths agape except for Nick who only chuckled while shaking his head. Hm, cute. Wait what?

I stayed there until dinner because they insisted. And also because they wanted to do a background check on my channel. Cenna even asked me to help him with some editing tips which I promised I'd do during the break. Two camera crew guys! This is gonna be so much fun! When it was time to go home I bid my goodbyes and told them I'll see them tomorrow to help them plan for their next video.

"I'll walk you home, it's late." Nick said, getting up from his seat.

"Dude my house is like less than 30 feet away," I chuckled at his offer. "It's okay, just rest up with the guys," I said.

"And within those 30 feet some random homeless guy or a thief or whatever dangerous thing I could think of can get to you. No more buts, young lady," Nick said playfully so I just laughed along.

"Just let him, Reese. He just wants to spend more time with you as if he's not seeing you tomorrow," Anthony said which earned a couple of snickers from the guys.

"Dang, baby bro got some moves!" Said Ant.

"Shut up. Be back in a few." Nick said while laughing. By this time we've already gotten used to being teased by the guys since we're always together even in school. I bet life would have sucked if I hadn't met him and the guys.

"You are full of surprises, aren't you?" Nick said, pulling me out from my thoughts. We took our time walking while admiring the midnight blue sky and the few stars that twinkled that night. I only smiled at him in response.

"Thanks for walking me home," I said.

"Anytime," he said, smiling at me with piercing green eyes that always seemed to stand out above the rest.

"See you tomorrow then," I said opening the front door.

"Reese, I-" I turned back around to catch what he was trying to say.

"Nevermind, it can wait." He said.

I only smiled at him and got inside, looking at his figure from the window that was slowly fading into the distance. What did he want to tell me?

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