Chapter 9: Not you

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Nick's POV

Today's the day we're heading back to LA, leaving Reese and Chloe behind for a few more days. After watching the fireworks the other night we were surprised to hear about Chloe's sudden move to LA. Of course it was Jojo who got excited out of all of us and he definitely didn't do a good job hiding it.

"I'll see you back home, okay?" Reese said as I pulled her in for a hug and proceeded to the boarding gates.

A few hours later I woke up to the sound of the intercom announcing our arrival at LAX. As we got out I saw Ant in my car since it could fit all of us and drove home.

We were greeted by Tal and Mike at the house and since all of us were really tired, we didn't bother filming and decided to call it a day.

Fast forward to a few days later...

"Who's picking up Reese and Chloe at the airport?" Mike said as he sat beside me in the living room.

"Her mom dropped her car off the airport so she could drive home," I said and proceeded to watch TV.

Mr. and Mrs. Davidson were on their way to Europe for a business meeting so Reese and Chloe were the only ones staying in their house for a couple of weeks.

I didn't bother calling or texting her since she's still probably on the plane and decided to call her only a few hours later.

"Hey Jojo, have you tried calling Chloe to see where they are?" I asked since Reese's phone kept going straight to voicemail.

"She's not answering either," Jojo said from across the living room.

"Maybe their phones are on airplane mode?" He added.

"But their plane landed a couple of hours ago. They should have gotten here already, right?" I said and opened my phone to check if their flight's been cancelled, but according to the website no flights were cancelled today.

I was getting worried as to where they might be but decided to push the thought at the back of my mind. I couldn't call her parents either since their flight's gonna take at least a couple more hours before they land.

It was already getting late and still no Reese or Chloe so I decided to take a shower to get my mind off of worst case scenarios.

Drying my still wet hair with a towel, I went down the stairs to see the guys crowded in front of the TV in the living room.

"Nick, it's Reese's car." I heard Cenna say so I rushed down the stairs to see what's going on.

"A black McLaren plate number XX-XXXX collided with a white Tesla plate number XX-XXXX on the freeway a few hours ago. It was reported that John Reed, the driver of the McLaren, was driving drunk which caused the accident. Further details to follow after this break," the news reporter ended the story.

My blood instantly ran cold and I couldn't hear anything or anyone for a few seconds because of the shocking news.

"Nick!" I heard Tal bring me back to my senses.

Right now my hands are shaking and my mind went completely blank for a few seconds. After a few deep breaths, I brought my eyes to meet everyone already huddled around me.

"I have to go. I have to check if they're all right, if she's all right," I said as I fumbled for the keys in my pocket.

I'm still freaking out like crazy, but I have to make sure they're not hurt. I could see Jojo pacing frantically from across the room too, also at loss for words.

Jojo decided to come along since Reese is also his best friend and Chloe was with her too.

Starting the engine, I felt a hand on my right shoulder. It was Jojo.

"They're gonna be all right, man. They're okay," I only nodded at his words of reassurance and proceeded to drive to where the accident took place.

Not you. Oh God not you, Reese. Please. 

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