Chapter 14: Dreams don't die

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Reese's POV

Chloe and I had just finished wrapping up another vlog for our channel. We got to film at Santa Monica Pier and Venice beach, and right now we're on our way home. We're still a few hours away and the sun was beginning to set.

"All right, I gotta ask. Are you and Jojo official?"

Chloe nearly spit her soda on my dashboard. I laughed at how flustered she got when I asked her. I know what Jojo thinks of her and what she thinks of him, but maybe they just needed a little push to get the ship sailing.

I'm not gonna lie. Asking her about Jojo wasn't a coincidence and probably at the exact same moment Nick and Adi are asking Jojo the same thing about Chloe.

Free Time members share like one brain cell. They all think the same, act the same, and have the same genuine and kind intentions for everyone it's impossible not to like them.

When we got home, Nick and Jojo were already waiting for us at my house.

"Chloe, can I talk to you for a sec?" Jojo said.

I was trying so hard to contain my happiness for the both of them, preventing myself from squealing so I just kept slapping Nick's arm which would probaly get red after some time.

"This came for you earlier today. I held on to it since it might get lost," Nick said, handing me a letter as we went inside my house. 

"Nick! It's so good to see you!" My mom said as she tuened around from the couch while she was watching TV. Nick went over to her and gave her a hug.

"Have you guys eaten dinner yet? I can make some food for you guys," my mom said getting up from where she was sitting and made a beeline for the kitchen.

After dinner, Nick had to go back to his house since Andre was the only one there. Anthony was staying at his apartment and his parents were out so he had to go home before the sitter's shift ends.

Almost forgetting the letter Nick handed to me earlier, I grabbed it from the countertop and went upstairs to my room.

The following day everybody was at the Free Time house to film another video. I couldn't get my mind off of what the letter said when I read it last night and I almost walked straight into the pool if Tal hadn't grabbed the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Everything all right?"

"Yeah just...a little distracted," I told Tal.

"Hey Nick, can I talk to you for a sec?" I said as I approached the living room area.

"Of course, we can talk outside if you want," he said immediately standing up.

We went to the front yard and I was pacing back and forth enough to get Nick dizzy.

"So this letter yesterday," I took a deep breath and told him everything.

The letter was from an advertising agency who scouted me to do a bunch of reviews for them. It meant I had to travel a lot for six months, leaving them behind if I decide to go.

"Reese, this is amazing. This is your dream, right at your doorstep!"

"I don't know Nick, I'm scared. I'll be leaving a lot behind, even you. And then there's school which will have to wait if I decide to go."

"Reese, it's six months. I can wait that long. You don't have to put your dreams on hold for anyone. Even me." He said, holding my hands.

And so I did. I made a call to the agency before going inside and Nick was telling everyone the news. I should be happy, right? I'll be living my dream.

But that doesn't mean it's not scary.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter (to the few people who are reading this), but I had to cut it short since its a transitiom chapter so I hope I can make it up to you guys on the next one!

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