Chapter 11: Rough patches

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Reese's POV

"You okay, sweetie?" I heard my mom call after me.

"I'm fine mom, don't worry about it." I mumbled and marched straight upstairs and slammed the door behind me as I entered my room.

I threw my bag on the floor and made a beeline towards my bed and screamed as loud as I can on my pillow.

Flashback to a few hours ago.....

Chloe and I were editing videos in the Free Time house and since Tal wasn't using his studio, he offered us to use the space for the meantime.

We were in the middle of wrapping up the final touches for the video when we heard a knock on the door.

"Hey guys," I could tell Adi was a bit nervous when he walked in.

"You might want to come downstairs for a bit," he said.

Curious as to what the fuss was all about, we went down the stairs to see the guys huddled in the living room.

As we neared the couch, I could see Nick was the only one sitting down and my eyes grew wide. He had a busted lip and a cut near his left eyebrow and bruises were starting to form from both his sides.

"Guys? Could we have a moment, please?" I said as calm as I possibly could. I got the first aid kit from the bathroom and sat beside Nick who still had his head burried in his hands.

"Nicky," I started out.

"Babe look at me, please," I said and gently took his hands away from his face.

I started to treat his cuts as he remained quiet, not even flinching when I cleaned out his wounds.

"What happened?" No response.

"Nick, c'mon. Would you please just tell me?" I tried again.

"It's nothing," he mumbled while looking down.

"Nothing? You call this nothing? You have bruises all over your body and cuts on your face!" I was starting to get furious because I couldn't understand why he was acting this way.

"Stay the fuck out of it, Reese! It's none of your business!" He snapped at me.

I was taken back by his sudden outburst. I didn't know he had this side of him. He's obviously mad at something else, but right now he's being a total ass about it.

"Fine. Then I guess its not my business to clean up after you, too." I said calmly and stood up, leaving Nick alone in the living room.

"Do me a favor and get your head together before talking to anyone else," I said and went upstairs to get my things and went home.

End of flashback

I stayed in my room for the rest of the day thinking about what happened. It was our first fight since we got together and it's like I never knew Nick at all when I couldn't figure out what happened to him. He always seemed so calm and was always the first one to resolve our issues especially when some of the Free Time members get into an argument.

It was already night time and I was still racking my brain trying to figure Nick out. All the lights in my room were off so I was surprised to see the light from my phone turn on when I got a text from Jojo.

"Hey mom? I'm going out for a sec, okay?" I said as I grabbed my keys from the counter and my purse from the couch.

"Where are you going? It's late," she said.

"I'll just pick someone up I'll be back soon," I said and left the house.

A few minutes later, I parked outside a house that's booming with music at 11 pm. Different colors of lights peeked through its windows and I could tell the party was packed.

I was met with Caylus stumbling out of the house holding a red cup. He looked a bit tipsy, but I don't think he's totally wasted.

"Hey Caylus, have you seen Jojo?" I asked him.

"Yeah he's upstairs, I think."

"Okay, thanks."

I went inside and made my way through the sea of people dancing their asses off. The smell of alcohol flooded the entire house and whoever owns the house will probably be cleaning for the next three days.

The second floor isn't as full as downstairs so it would be easier to look for Jojo. Finally making my way towards the balcony, I could see him sitting next to a very very wasted Nick.

"C'mon, let's take a picture!" I could hear a random girl coming up to where they were seated and seated herself on Nick's lap.

Nick was basically dead in his drunken state and I could see Jojo trying to pry the girl off of him.

"Don't be such a party pooper, Jojo. It's just one picture and it's not like he has a girlfriend or something," the girl proceeded to settle down on Nick's lap.

"Excuse me, I don't think you're supposed to do that," I said walking up to the girl.

"Who do you think you are?" She said as she stood up and looked at me from head to toe.

"He's drunk. You shouldn't take advantage of someone just because he's drunk," I said, maintaining my composure as I didn't want to cause a scene.

"C'mon Jojo, I think it's best if we leave now," I said.

Jojo stood up and helped Nick to his feet and walked towards the stairs.

As I turned around the girl grabbed my arm and I could feel her nails digging through my skin.

"You didn't answer my question," she said.

Grabbing her hand that held on to my arm, I pried her off without letting go.

"I'm his girlfriend," I said, giving her a sickly sweet smile and walked away.

As I got to my car, Jojo had barely gotten Nick to stay on his feet, but at least he's a bit responsive now. I honestly can't carry a six-foot guy and just shove him into my car, right?

I opened my car only to find Nick not wanting to get on it. This is gonna be a long night.

"Nick, would you please just get in the car?" Jojo said, trying his best to guide Nick inside the car.

"No...I'm not supposed to..." Nick slurred as he slumped over the hood.

"Reese, she.. she's gonna get mad.. I messed up today, man." He said half awake.

"Nick just get in. I'll drive you home," I said.

"Jojo... who's this?... I can't talk, you're not my girlfriend... Reese! Reese I didn't talk to her first I swear..."

As amusing as this was, he still had to get inside the car. It's kinda sweet knowing that he's totally wasted but still thinks about me, but that's not the point.

A few more tries and we finally got him to go inside. Since Jojo was staying in the Free Time house for a few more days, we had to drop Nick off at his house.

"Reese? What are you doing here? It's late," a groggy Ant said upon opening the door.

"Sorry big bro, but I've got a surprise for you," I said and stepped aside for him to see his wasted brother being hauled by Jojo.

"Ah shit," Ant said running his hands through his hair. He took Nick from Jojo and practically carried him over his shoulder as we went inside.

After a few minutes, we had Nick changed from the clothes he wore before and got him to sleep in his room. It's already 2am.

"Thanks Reese," Ant said.

"Anytime," I smiled at him and gave him a hug and drove Jojo and I back home.

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