Chapter 18: Tequila sunrise

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Nick's POV

It's been a week after the party and yet it still felt like it was just yesterday. Everything seemed back to normal, even at school. I made my way to English class right before the school bell rang and settled down on my seat as the teacher walked in.

Flashback to a week ago during the party...

I let Reese get back inside the house a couple of hours ago. I was lost deep in thought by the driveway, thinking about what Reese said.

I should have a reason on why I didn't tell Izzy about us. She's my girlfriend now, and yet I couldn't bring myself to tell her about Reese.

I was snapped out from my thoughts a few moments later when I heard Brett talking to Reese. A very, very drunk Reese.

"Reese, let's go. I'm taking you home," Brett said as he let Reese sit down for a second. Adi's car was keeping me hidden from the both of them, but I could hear them talking clearly.

"Brett. I shouldn't have left. I should've just stayed here and stayed normal like the rest," Reese said, staring holes on the pavement.

Brett sat down beside her, handing her a bottle of water to help her sober up.

"He...he looked so happy. Why can't I be happy?" Reese was already taking off her shoes and throwing them on the grass, almost like a little kid throwing tantrums.

"It's my fault. Everything's my fault. I shouldn't have let him go, Brett."

Reese started crying on Brett's shoulder, taking me back a few months. I suddenly remembered how she used to cry like that and I was the one who comforted her, how she broke my heart for the first time when she had a panic attack that night. I remembered our fights and how she'd end up crying even if it was my fault.

And suddenly, I had an answer to why I never told Izzy about Reese.

It was quiet for a few more minutes and as I checked if they were still there, Reese had already fallen asleep on Brett's shoulder. I can't count how many times she cried herself to sleep, but I do know I was the reason behind most of them and how guilty it made me feel.

"I can make you happy, Reese. If only you'd give me a chance," I heard Brett talking to Reese, stroking her hair for a few more minutes before carrying her on his back and bringing her home.

End of flashback

"Don't forget to bring home some of your books for the semestral break, everyone. It'll be at least a month before this pandemic clears up so stay safe." Our homeroom teacher said, bringing me back to reality.

I made my way back to the Free Time house for the rest of the day. Everyone was there, even Reese and Brett. We haven't talked since the party, and I decided not to push her over the edge so I just let her be.

Izzy and I were hanging out in my room when we heard a noise downstairs, like glassware crashing on the floor. I heard a couple of footsteps too, so we went down to see what was up.

"Reese! Oh my god," Izzy rushed down to help Reese sit up.

A glass and plate fell right beside Reese who passed out on the floor. She looked sickly pale, and she was sweating like she had run a marathon.

"What happened?" I asked Brett, panicking.

"She's burning up. We have to take her to the hospital." Brett said, putting a hand to her forehead.

I immediately rushed back to the room to grab my keys, motioning Brett to carry Reese to the car. It's like my instincts suddenly kicked in, not minding anyone else other than Reese.

We got to the hospital after a few minutes, bringing Reese through the emergency room. I hadn't even noticed Izzy came along until we got to the hospital and felt her hand on my shoulder.

"I'll go get us something to drink while we wait," she said, standing up and making her way towards the cafeteria downstairs.

Brett and I stayed in the lobby in silence for a few minutes. But then again, those few minutes were excruciatingly slow as we were waiting for the doctor.

"So what's your deal? With Reese, I mean." I asked Brett, who raised his head from looking down on the floor to meet mine.

"We're not dating, Nick. If that's what you're really asking."

"Why not?"

"It's complicated."

"How is it complicated? Reese--" he cut me off.

"Listen, Nick. You can ask all the questions you want about Reese, but none of that's gonna help ease your conscience, all right?" He snapped back.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You want her back. Otherwise you wouldn't have brought her here yourself."

"She was my best friend first, Brett." I said, growing frustrated at how Brett was talking to me. I could already feel the wooden chair creaking under my fist with how tight I was holding on to it.

"She still loves you. I know you know that," Brett let out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hands through his hair.

"Do you know how hard it is? Watching the person you like rip herself apart because of someone else? The worst part is that she'd be willing to do it again because she loves that person too much."

"As much as I love Reese, she will never love me more than you. But she can't admit any of that to herself yet. I know it, and so do you," he said.

We sat in silence until the doctor came. I let him go ahead to visit Reese as I waited for Izzy to come back.

In those few minutes, I figured it out.

I never told Izzy about Reese because I couldn't accept the fact that we've broken up.

Somehow, a part of me hoped for the same thing - that we'll find a way to get back to each other again.

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