Chapter 20: The waiting game

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Reese's POV

I hadn't seen anyone for over a month. We did keep in touch while the guys were at Washington for a convention, but it's still different when they're actually here.

Maddie said they got back yesterday, but I spent the night at Chloe's so I couldn't see them yet.

I asked Chloe to drop me off at a nearby coffee shop instead of my house. She's meeting Jojo near Hollywood in a few hours, so it was just me.

Getting my order from the counter, I made my way towards the exit when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry! I wasn't looking it's--"


What appeared to be seconds felt like hours to me as our eyes met. His green eyes still intoxicating as the first day I saw them and shining just as bright.

"Hey Reese." He smiled.

"Are you here with anyone else?" I asked.

"No, just me. Listen, I've been wanting to talk to you since before we left. I'm hoping you're not doing anything today?" He asked, opening the door for me as we walked out.

We stopped by the park. The same park I ran to when I heard him talking to Izzy, the same park I realized I never stopped loving him.

"Reese, I couldn't stop thinking about you ever since you came back. I was stupid enough to think everything was normal when we broke up, and apparently it's not," he said. He stopped for a few minutes trying to find the words to say.

The thing is, he's already said so much even before, to the point where there's really nothing left for him to say.

"I heard everything," I blurted out.


"Back at the hospital when you were in my room, I heard what you said."

"Why didn't you--"

"I wanted to see you after that week, but I only heard you," I chuckled.

Nick was confused with the things I said. Who wouldn't?

"I heard you and Izzy talking that day, but I left without seeing you. I shouldn't have heard any of that," I said, drawing on the dirt using my shoes.

Nick got up from where he was sitting and knelt in front of me.

"Then you should know that all of the things I said were true," he said.

"Nick, I--"

"I still love you, Reese. And I'm hoping there's still a part of you who loves me back. No matter how small that part is."

Don't cry, Reese. Don't cry.

"We've hurt each other too much, Nick." I said, my voice getting shaky from how hard I was trying to hold back my tears from falling.

Nick never looked away from me. That's how I know how serious he was and how important this conversation means to him.

It's true when they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. His eyes held so much emotions - emotions that he never let anyone figure out other than the people he loves.

I was one of them.

"Reese, if there's a slightest chance that you're willing to forgive me, I'll take it. I'll take it any day. I just need you to say the words if you don't want to, but know that I'll never love someone else as much as you."

A few weeks later...

"What do you think?" I asked Chloe who was lying down on my bed as I held up two outfits.

"First date jitters, huh?" Chloe said, pointing to the left dress as she got up and looked for matching shoes while I put it on. 

"You don't know the half of it," I said, checking myself for the nth time in front of the mirror, patting down my hair and dusting off imaginary particles from my shoulder.

"Jeez, Reese. You're gonna be fine," Chloe said, laughing at how frantic I was being.

I'm nervous as hell. I could feel butterflies in my stomach as I paced back and forth across my room, wondering if I should just call it off.

A few minutes later we heard the doorbell ring and my mom calling me from downstairs.

"He's here," I said as I got up from my bed, grabbed my purse, and took one last look in the mirror.

"Wish me luck," I said.

"Hey Davidson," I heard Chloe call out from behind me for the last time before my date.

"Don't let him break your heart." I smiled.

I got downstairs and bid my mom goodbye, telling her that I'll get home late.

I opened the door to see his back facing me. As he turned around, he offered his hand.

"You ready?"

Nick asked me.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I smiled and took a deep breath.

Here we go.

A/N: hey guys! I just want to thank those who took the time to read this story and finally, this is the last chapter! Let me know what you think of this fanfic through your comments, I'll greatly appreciate it! :)

Also, I will try to make another Free Time story but it'll have a different spin on it so I hope you guys will watch out for that too!

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