Chapter 15: Where do we go from here?

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Reese's POV

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" A random girl said, toppling over my papers and passport at a Starbucks here at LAX.

"It's fine, really." I said and smiled. I noticed her bag full of camera batteries and a tripod on her other hand.

"You film?" I asked.

"Yeah but just during my free time," she said shyly.

"I'm Izzy, by the way." She stuck out her free hand, offering me a handshake.

"Reese, nice to meet you."

Izzy and I talked for hours, talking about filming, editing, basically everything under a YouTuber's radar.

Apparently she's on her way to New York for a few days to meet her parents. As for me, I'm waiting for my flight headed to Italy. My first assignment since I signed the deal with the agency.

I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket so I reached for it only to see a call from Nick.

"You settled in yet?" He asked from the other end.

"Yeah, just waiting for the boarding gates," I said.

"Nick, what if this was a mistake?" I said, worry filling my voice. Definitely not a good time for anxiety to kick in, but apparently I don't have control over than right now.

"Babe, relax. Take a deep breath and everything will be fine," he said.

He's right. I can't turn my back now. I can't let my dreams die because I'm scared.

"Calling all passengers from flight XXXXX, boarding gates are now open," I heard the intercom announce my flight.

"Babe I gotta go. I love you, so much." I told Nick from the other end.

"I love you too, stay safe." He said and I hung up the phone. I waved goodbye to Izzy, taking my carry-on with me and headed for the gates.

Here we go.

Six months later....

"Reese!" I heard Chloe call my name from the moment I walked out of the airport.

I ran to her, giving her an incredibly tight hug. I missed her so much, I missed LA!

"Why is she the only one getting a hug?" The man beside her said.

"Good to see you, Jojo." I smiled and gave him a hug.

Chloe and Jojo picked me up from the airport and we're on our way home.

"I see the ship has sailed," I said, eyeing their intertwined hands from the front seats.

Jojo and Chloe only laughed at this, but they couldn't hide their blush.

"At least you guys worked out," I mumbled under my breath and stared out the window.


Three months after signing the deal, I was getting used to all the travelling from here and there. Nick and I would FaceTime each other despite busy schedules because of my deadlines and school from his end. So naturally, I'd get all giddy and extremely happy when he calls.

But this time it felt different.

"Hey, babe! How was your day?" I asked, lying on my stomach and fixing my phone to back up against the pillow from my bed.

"Nothing really special, though. Just a normal day. How about yours?" He asked. But his eyes seemed tired. The emerald orbs I fell in love with didn't look alive. It looked dull, stressed out.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Reese...I'm so sorry."

"Nick what are you talking about?" I was getting confused with what he was trying to say.

"I thought I could do this, but I can't. I am so sorry." It was a rare sight to see Nick crying, so seeing tears fall from his face made my heart beat faster.

I get it. I know what he meant.

"You met someone," I answered my supposed question for him.

"Reese, I-"

"Don't apologize, Nick. I understand," I said, putting on a fake smile.

"When you told me I shouldn't put my dreams on hold for you, I didn't." I said, taking a shaky breath.

"And I guess it wouldn't be fair if I asked you to wait for me to come back. No one should put their happiness on hold because of someone else." I said.

"I'm sorry this didn't work out, Reese. I really am," he said.

"It was worth the try." I said and hung up.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

But I guess if you really love someone, you'd do anything for them, even if it meant erasing yourself from the future.

End of flashback

"Reese, we're here," I heard Chloe call out, breaking away from my thoughts.

Jojo and Chloe helped me out with my things, placing everything inside. It was still early as the sun was just beginning to set.

"Are you sure you don't want to stop by? The guys will be looking for you," Jojo said, putting the last of my luggage inside the house.

"Maybe next time, Jojo. I promise I'll stop by," I said.

I waved them goodbye as they backed up from my driveway and parked inside the Free Time house.

My mom was busy for the week on a business trip so the house felt quite empty. I couldn't bring myself to go over to the Free Time house.

At least not right now.

As I got to my room, I heard my phone vibrate from the nightstand.

"Hey, you." I heard from the other line and smiled.

"Brett! When are you coming to LA? You promised you would," I said.

"Soon. Like very soon. But I can't tell you. It's a surprise." I laughed at his mischief.

Brett and I met in Japan. Turns out we belonged to the same agency and we had an awesome time together. We only spent two weeks together in Japan, though. While I had to go to Korea, his next assignment was in France.

During those two weeks we had enough time to get to know each other and I'd be lying if I didn't say Nick was in most of my stories. How I thought he was the one, and how it just didn't work out because we didn't have time together because of me.

Yes, I blame myself. Constantly, might I add. When they tell you to follow your dreams, apparently it doesn't mean you'll get to follow them with the people you love right behind you.

That was how it happened for me, anyway.

Where do we go from here? (Nick Mayorga fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now