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the days after the funeral Gilbert was very quiet. you still visited every day, but Gilbert was busy most of the time. you didn't know what he was doing, he didn't talk about it, it bothered you a little.

You could see he wasn't doing okay, yet he wouldn't let you help him. you figured it was normal since he was grieving and everything, but you wished there was something you could do.

all you could do was try and cheer him up. you went on walks with him or baked stuff together, it only worked for a few minutes, but you loved seeing his smile.

you were waiting for Gilbert at his front door. you were planning on taking a walk. the door opened behind you and you smiled. "hey" you said as you gave him a hug.

"hi" he said letting out a small chuckle as he hugged you back feeling your hair tingle in his face.

butterflies erupted in his stomach again and he sighed softly. he hated that he couldn't even give you a hug without his thoughts going crazy.

he pulled away with a bright red face as you started walking. "did you sleep well?" you asked.

Gilbert nodded. "yea I slept fine" he said as he looked around at the snow.

"I'm glad" you said smiling softly.

"you're worried about me aren't you?" Gilbert asked with a chuckle.

"well... yea... you're so quiet" you say.

"you don't have to worry about me, I just miss him." Gilbert said.

you nodded. "that's only normal, but I just hate seeing you sad" you said.

"let's have a snowball fight" Gilbert said quickly changing the subject. he knew he could talk to you about anything, but right know he just didn't wanna think about it, which was impossible unless you were there.

"you sure? I'll beat your ass." you said smirking.

"hmm we'll see about that" Gilbert said grabbing some snow from the ground.

you squealed as you ran away from him and dodged his snowball. then you threw one right in his face. "I told you I'd beat y-"

you got cut off by a snowball in your neck. Gilbert laughed as he watched you squeal.

"god that's cold!" you yelled shivering.

"I noticed" Gilbert said chuckling as he walked up to you.

"I should be heading back soon, my mom will get worried." you said.

"I'll walk with you." he said smiling. you returned the smile. "remember when I tickled somewhere over here?" Gilbert asked with a mischievous look.

"oh don't you dare!" you yelled as Gilbert smirked.

he tickled you anyway. his hands were cold causing you to squeal. you ran away, but Gilbert was faster. he threw himself at you causing you both to fall to the ground.

you laughed loudly as Gilbert tickled you harder. "stop... Gilbert!" you yelled.

Gilbert stopped still a smirk on his face. "that was for throwing that snow into my shirt." he said standing up.

you chuckled as Gilbert stretched his arm out to help you. you took it and he pulled you up causing you to almost bump into him, your face was inches away from his.

Gilbert's heart immediately started beating faster as his eyes focused on your lips. he lost all self-control and leaned in crashing his lips on yours. something exploded in his stomach, right before you pushed him off.

Water Under The Bridge // Gilbert Blythe X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now