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"how long till she get's your love letter Blythe?" Bash asked, as he and Gilbert where walking towards a post office.

"it's not a love letter... and maybe a month," Gilbert.

"if it's not a love letter, then why won't you let me read it," Bash said, raising his eyebrows, giving Gilbert a questioning look.

"because it's private," Gilbert said plainly.

"so it is a love letter?" Bash asked, causing Gilbert to roll his eyes and chuckle.

he sighed, "no... her father's dying, could be dead at this point... I just wish I could be there for her."

"oh, I'm sorry Blythe," Bash said, scratching the back of his head as they approached the post office.

"it's fine," Gilbert said, as he stepped into the post office, Bash following behind.


"one rum, one babash," Bash said, as the bartender poured their drinks. Bash was grinning as Gilbert took a sip.

"oh, oof," Gilbert said, squinting his eyes, making Bash chuckle. "you sure that's not gonna kill you?" Gilbert asked with raised eyebrows, gesturing towards Bash's drink.

"no, that's what makes it good, the danger. got to taste death to feel alive, blythe," Bash said. "not for you though, first-timer."

Gilbert slightly raised his eyebrows

"Babash, local delicacy. you'll be sprouting like a weed," Bash said, letting out a chuckle.

"man, seeing the world, trying new things, what could be better?" Gilbert asked, smiling.

"love," Bash said, "if I had someone pretty back home I'd be up outta here."

"how many times do I have to tell you, Y/n and I are just friends," Gilbert said, sighing as Bash smirked.

"a friend that makes you smile and act like a moke, be a man!" Bash said, raising his voice a little.

"I am," Gilbert said, slightly furrowing his eyebrows as he leaned his head back.

"only a boy can't admit when he's gone over a lady," Bash said smirking.

Gilbert chuckled. "would a boy stare danger right in the eye, and swallow it," he said, as he grabbed Bash's drink and swallowed all of it at once.

"hey, no, no." Bash tried to stop him, but it was too late.

"oh, oh," Gilbert said, he felt like he was about to... he shot up from his seat and ran out to throw up.

Bash shook his head, "there, there, doux-doux, you're a man in truth," he said as Gilbert groaned, making Bash laugh.


"Tyler!!" you yelled, as you stormed through the house. "Tyler L/n!" you frowned when you didn't get a response.

"keep it down Y/n, Tyler already left," your mother said, groaning softly at your yelling.

"he promised to walk with me," you said pouting as you plopped down in your seat.

probably walking with cole again.

you were sure they were a couple now, and you very happy for them, just sad you didn't get to play cupid.

"are you excited for school?" your mother asked.

you looked at her with furrowed eyebrows, "me excited for school?" you let out a chuckle.

you weren't excited for school at all. the boys where being idiots, the girls were constantly gossiping and Ruby still wouldn't shut up about Gilbert.

Water Under The Bridge // Gilbert Blythe X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now