Ive Got You / Kirishima

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The doctors decided he could be discharged that night, his parents and I had already talked about what to do.

Since they both had to work late, they implied Bakugou should come over to my house. Which isn't it a problem, or it wouldn't have been if we hadn't just become boyfriends. I can always tell my Mom in the morning, but I don't want her to think anything odd. It's not that she wouldn't support me, she already knows I'm gay. It's just a weird situation.

I can't have Kat in a room by himself though, after everything that happened I can't have him sleeping alone. If not forever, just for tonight.

Bakugou links arms with me as we walk to the exit, when we step outside the doors I let go of him to sign. My Mom is picking us up, shouldn't be too long.


You alright? ... Sorry, that was a stupid thing to ask.

Just means you care, Shitty Hair.

I'll put it down for you when we get to my house.

Some form of 'tch' escapes Katsuki, and I can't help but smile. It's nice too see you act like yourself. Bakugou gives me an evil glare. What?

It's nothing.

My Mom pulls up a few minutes later, I start towards her car in the distance. Jumping in surprise when I feel Bakugou's arm link back with mine. My face instantly burns, and I have to look towards the ground as we continue walking.

We get to the car, and I open the backseat door. Getting in and scooting over so Kat can follow. My Mom, Etsuko Kirishima, turns around and looks at me. "Hey! Just wanted to tell you before I forget, I've talked to Mitsuki, and she suggested you two stick with each other for a little while."

"Oh, really?" my mouth is dry when I speak.

"Yeah, you guys can just switch houses whenever you feel like it," my Mom talks like this is a completely normal thing to do, "we figured you guys could share clothes since you're practically built the same."

"Ok, yeah, fair enough," I try to hide the excitement in my voice, but she knows me all too well.

"I knew you'd be happy."

"Shut up."

Bakugou looks really confused when I turn to him. What did she say?

We're going to be hanging out for a long while, basically.

Wow, lucky me. Katsuki signed with a straight face.

I can't tell if you're serious or not.

Guess you'll find out.

Guess so.

Ei, we're literally dating now, you're so dense sometimes.

Yeah, I know, wait- Ei?

Shut up.

Fine, Kat.

He looks at me with wide eyes, but something in them is soft.

Etsuko clears her throat, and then glances at me through the rear view mirror. She gives me her signature 'Did something happen?' eyebrows, and I feel my face light up again. I hear a small laugh from the front of the car, "Took you guys long enough."

"Can you not?" I try to sound harsh, but it ends up coming out as a squeak.

"So it's true, does Mitsuki know?"

"No," I swallow harshly and look out the passenger side window. Avoiding any possible eye contact with the blond boy beside me.

At some point on the ride home Bakugou had linked arms with me again. I'm not sure if being close to me is helping him cope, but it's weird seeing him all touchy like this. Although, every time I looked over to him he was staring out the window, a broken expression on his face. He was trying to act strong, but I know this is really hard on him.

We pulled into our driveway, and I couldn't help but ask the question. "Did you set up the guest room?" I ask, secretly hoping that the answer would be no.

"I see no need for such, do you?" Etsuko winks and then goes off to open the front door.

I help Kat inside, not letting go of our arm lock. After I close the front door he lets go, and then raises his hands to sign. What were you guys talking about?

Follow me.

Fun fact, if you hadn't already guessed- Bakugou's favorite sign is 'shut up' LOL. Also I wrote this at 12am, and then woke up and continued. So I apologize if it makes zero sense. ALSO PROB NONE OF THIS IS MEDICALLY CORRECT SO AHAHAH WHOOPSIE.

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