Madisons POV
I cannot believe Harrison was there. He was freaking standing outside of my room, like some stalker. And he's probably going to interrogated by Cass. And the stupid little angel is going to report back to my brothers and I am going to be so screwed. As if on cue his feathery butt appeared in the passenger seat. I jumped, as usual, and swerved the car.
"God Cass!" I screamed and swerved back to my own lane.
"That's a nice compliment Madison but no." Cas smiled.
Then as if this was supposed to be the worse day of my life, a damn cop behind me turned on it's lights and siren. "No, no, no, no." I whispered and sighed. Pulling over, I groaned and slammed my fists on the steering wheel.
"Hey asshole, I'm entitled to a phone call! My brother was in law school I know my rights!" I screamed through the bars. An annoyed looking cop handed me a phone and said, "You've got 3 minutes."
Without hesitating I dialed Dean's number and waited for the click. "Hello?" Deans ignorant voice asked. "Dean! Hey quick favor... I need you to bail me out of jail."
The other line was silent before Dean Shouted, "What!? What did you do?"
"Well, I kinda escaped from the room, stole car, then Cass caught up with me and I got spooked, the officer behind me pulled me over searched my car because he thought I was drunk. That's when he found the multiple fake IDs and the unregistered guns." I said breathlessly.
"Flipping great Madison. Where's Cass." Dean asked, such love, such love.
"He high tailed it out of here the second I pulled over." I said sitting down on the hard bench.
"What-what jail?" It was Sam's voice now, Dean had probably handed the phone over so he could turn around.
"Well I don't know, I was angry and confused. I was only a few miles from the hotel." I whined as the officer came up behind me and plucked the phone from my hands.
"Times up." He mumbled and went back to his desk.
"Come on can't you just let me go. I've told you why I was carrying the guns." I pleaded, linking my arms around the bars.
"Because your an FBI agent on a secretive mission to bust an ex-con man smuggling illegal drugs, IDs, and guns." The officer said barely glancing at me."Exactly, and my partners will be here soon." I said laying down on the hard bench.
"Well those partners of yours best have a good excuse for you." The officer said tiredly.
Damn straight they do.
Harrisons POV
I was still sitting in the motel parking. Yeah, I know it was a little creepy but I had to talk to her. Something was going on and it was just plain weird. The light had slowly been fading from the sky and my eyes were heavy with sleep. Just as my eyes were about to close, a loud tapping came from my window. My body suddenly jolted awake, setting off the horn as my arms flailed, when I realized it was the so called, "Dean."
His face was annoyed and angry, he tapped again. Slowly, I rolled down the window and stuttered, "H-hello."
"Yeah hi, you wanna tell me why you've been watching our room?" He asked gesturing to the door.
"I.. I was just.." I started but noticed Madison climbing out of the Impala, that I hadn't noticed had pulled up, with her coat draped over her hands, revealing long pale arms. The man with longer hair put a hand on her back and began pushing her in the general direction of safety.
Yet they both stopped and stared at me, her hazel eyes confused and even full of humor.
I probably look like a wimp
The hairy one lightly pushed her and she stumbled forward to the room.
"Hey kid up here." Dean said snapping his fingers in front of my face.
"Uh yeah I'm just uh..." I'm stuttering again. He is very scary actually.
"Right, let me just cut to the chase are you stalking my little sister?" He suddenly asked.
He was related to her.
"What!? N-no!" I shrieked nearly jumping out of my seat.
"You a demon?" He asked. What the what.
"Um no. Look just let me go." I said, furrowing my brow.
"You know what, just tell me what you where doing and your free to go." Dean smiled smugly.
"Honestly I was just getting a résumé for the motel, that's all." I said, slightly honest.
"Right," he said patting the top of my car, "Get out of here."
I started the car and watched as he stared me down out of the parking lot.
Even as I got to the highway, I could have sworn Dean Winchester was still watching me.x A/N x
So this the first official metting of Harrison and Madi's brothers. Yeah Harry's a bit of a wimp, but just you wait. There is a whole other plot you will be excited for.
Leather jackets and god necklaces,

Begin again. (A spn fanfic)
FanfictionMadison Winchester, has always been a hunter. Right up till the time she was 4, she knew how to hunt almost everything. Separated from her half brothers by a coma, she finally awakens only to find she is different. Resuming her title as head hunter...