Madi's POV
"So everything, all of it is real?" Harrison asked, his voice trembling. I was standing at the mirror on the wall, sewing my own stitches behind my ear while Harry was shaking to death at the kitchen table. Sam and Dean were laying lazily about the room, having gone over this to many times. Finishing the last stitch, I clipped the string and turned back to the boys.
"Have we gone over everything?" I asked, crossing my arms. Dean sighed and replied, "I sure as hell hope so." I had to suppress a smile because Harrison was staring into the distance, a frightened look in his eyes.
"Ghosts, vampires, werewolf, demons, skin-walkers, the lot of 'em." Sam repeated folding his arms. I took a deep breath and announced, "But then there's us. Hunters. Our job is to, well, hunt. Sam and Dean are my half brothers. We are human," I paused and glanced to Dean before continuing, "Well most of us anyway."
That made Harrison look up, straight at me his eyes dazed. "'most of us' what does that mean?" Harrisons mumbled, still staring straight at me. I don't know why but I felt the side of my cheek twitch into a smile before I continued, "Those two are, me on the other hand I'm-something special."
"Oh just tell him already." Dean pleaded and glared at Harrison before mumbling, "The sooner he's out of here the faster I can kick his ass."
"I'm-" I paused, took a deep breath, "I'm an Angel. An accident at most. We had a bit of a problem up in the cloud kingdom leaving me here with you lot." I explained, it was almost like having this anvil lifted off my chest. It was nice to tell someone, other than my family. Other hunters didn't even know. "You'll be hunted or worse." Dean had said when I had woken up.
"Right thanks." Dean said into his phone, hung up, and turned to us. "There's another body, locals say it a real dozy."
"Heart missing?" I asked and Dean nodded. Sam stood up, heaved a sigh, while I groaned and went to dig for anything resembling a FBI status dress. "Do we have enough silver? I totally forgot to make more bullets." I called from the bathroom where I was changing.
"Yeah, we should be good." Sam called back. I threw my hair into a tight, official, pony-tail. I had decided on the usual: white button up shirt, black jacket, matching pants. I lined my eyes with a dark eye-shadow and dabbed red onto my lips. I glanced over my reflection and returned back to the front room.
"What is it?" I asked, buttoning my cuff links. Then I saw. "Oh.." We still had to deal with Harrison. "Yeah." Dean muttered and turned to me, "Want to do the honors?" I glared at him, sighed, whispered an apology before punching Harrison hard enough across the face to knock him out for a few hours. I winced and glanced down at my knuckles. I had been punching to many people and my hands now resembled a bruised tomato. We gathered our things, FBI badges, guns slipped into our waist-bands.
"Agents Rosen, Turner, and Hanks." I said flashing the officer my badge. He nodded and showed us inside an apartment. We had arrived after a 30 minute drive, dropping Harry off outside the hospital. We now stood in the middle of what seemed like a hurricane. The room looked like it had been put through an AC/DC concert then shoved into a blender. Claw marks grazed every fabricated piece of furniture, vases and plates shattered, and blood splattered half the walls. It would have been a nice apartment if it weren't for the mangled body in the kitchen. I knelled down beside the body, sharp claw marks carved into every square inch. The heart missing like every other were-wolf attack.
But I noticed something different. "Anything?" Sam asked coming beside me. "Yeah actually," I said pointing to a few claw marks. "These marks, are different than these ones, and these ones." I pointed to a few more sets. "So what are you saying?" He asked, why couldn't he see. I rolled my eyes and informed him, "Meaning, there is more than one. Each set is different. We're looking at maybe three."

Begin again. (A spn fanfic)
FanfictionMadison Winchester, has always been a hunter. Right up till the time she was 4, she knew how to hunt almost everything. Separated from her half brothers by a coma, she finally awakens only to find she is different. Resuming her title as head hunter...