Harrison's POV
I glanced around the room, looking for Madison. The classroom may be big but I thought I would be able to pick her out of all the dark haired kids.
She was no where.
"You looking for me?" Emmet asked sitting down beside me with a grin.
"Dude where have you been the lecture started like 15 minutes ago." I complained quietly.
"In the hall with Lisa Ruler." He said with a wink.
"Is Greek mythology boring you Mr. James and Mr. Trent?" The professor called from below.
We stopped arguing as all the other students turned to us.
"I uh, no Mr. Finnegan. Very interesting actually." I replied, forcing a smile.
The teachers eyes then went to Emmet who replied cooly, "You know what Mr. Finnegan? I actually hope to major in Greek mythology and hope to excel greatly."
With a smile Mr. Finnegan continued the lecture, this time in more detail and we scrambled to write notes.
"What was that all about?" I asked Emmet as we left the room.
"That my good friend, was getting in good with the teachers. See I've got college all planned out, a little flattery, a little flirting and I'm in. Full scholarship to everything and anything." Emmet explained, imitating a rocket ship blasting of with his hands.
"That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard." I said and pulled my hoodie up. "And I have heard some pretty stupid things."
Emmet laughed loudly and threw an arm around my shoulders, meanwhile saying, "You just wait Harry, just you wait."
"Okay you seriously need your own car." Cynthia complained.
She was picking me up from the bus stop in town.
"And you need to move out." I retorted and slipped into the passenger seat.
We were both still living with mum because one: I could barely afford to go to college let alone pay for student housing and two: because Cynthia, being 25, was newly engaged and house hunting with Derick.
"At least I'm trying." Cynthia mumbled and started the car.
We hardly talked on the car ride home, only every now and to discuss which song to listen to.
"Have any friends yet?" Cynthia suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
"One, Emmet he's cool." I explained and my sister nodded.
"Any girls?" she asked winking at me.
"What!? No!" I laughed but then added, "Well there is one. But I don't really know her. She kinda keeps to herself."
"Ooo what's her name." Cynthia teased.
"Madison," I informed her. "Madison Winchester."
"She sounds nice." My sister smiled and I think she meant it.
Madison's POV
My head is killing me. It is pounding like a bad hangover.
Over and over and over
I'm laying on something soft and warm. My eyes are closed tight, to heavy to open.
Yep definitely hangover material.
I can hear voices but they're distance, and fading. I slowly open my eyes and focus on the noises.
"-Anything you can do? She's family for gods sake."
"I'm sorry Dean but she is an angel of The Lord now. She can not be healed."
Oh god. Castiel
"Cass, you have taken on demons, hell, leviathans and you can't heal my own sister!?" Dean yelled.
He was getting angry and it was hurting my head. I tried to say something but my mouth was dry.
My eyes peek open, and scene unfolds before me. I'm in my bed, back at the hotel. Dean and Cass are at the foot of the bed arguing.
"Dean I have told you before she is and angel of-" Cass starts but Dean finishes, "An angel of The Lord but there is no God. You know that."
"Dean." I whisper reaching my hand out.
Dean and the angels eyes fall on me, Dean forcing a smile.
"Hey lil sis." He whispers and sits beside me.
"Mmm. Guess I suck at being an angel huh?" I joke, smiling.
"How ya feeling Madi?" Dean asked.
"I'm fine Dean, really." I raise my eyebrows and slowly push myself up.
I look to Cass who is staring at me. "Cass." I sigh and nod to him.
"Madison. I'm afraid there is nothing I can do." The angel apologizes and looks away from me.
"Don't worry about it. I'll live." I said but when I tried moving out of bed, my chest squeezes and I fall back to the pillows.
"What the hell." I gasp and bring a hand to my chest.
"Your heart is still reconstructing itself." Castiel explained moving towards me. "Along with your right lung and 3 ribs."
"Great just flipping fantastic." I complained and moved back under the comforter.
"How long is this gonna take?" Dean asked folding his arms.
"Since she is still half human, an average of 2 days." Mr. Bringer of doom said and then disappeared.
"Wonderful." I groaned and closed my eyes opening them again when I realized someone was missing.
"Where is Sam?" I asked glancing around.
"Taking care of the demon you decided to smite." Dean answered and drew a beer out of the small fridge.
"Okay demon is done. Man, Madi, that was a lot different than any other smiting." Sam exclaimed closing the door behind him.
His flannel shirt had brushings of dirt and he flopped a duffel bag to the side of the door.
"Thanks Sam." I smiled weakly.
"Also, I got dinner." He said, raising a white paper bag.
"Broken ribs huh?" Sam asked, taking a bite of his plastic cased salad.
"And a punctured heart and lung." I reminded him, snatching two fries from Deans napkin.
"Huh." Sam replied and set down his fork.
"What is it now?" Dean asked taking a swig from his second, yes second, beer.
"Madison's an angel, she gets the-the perk of not dying. Wouldn't that mean..." Sam trailed off.
Deans eyes widened and he set down his napkin.
"Oh crap." He gawked.
"What? What is it?" I asked leaning forward.
Both their eyes flickered to me and Sam leaned towards me and whispered. "Madi, your an Angel and human. Your different and probably stronger than any other monster we have ever seen."
I suddenly realized then why Crowley was afraid of me coming back, why the demon came after me and why Cass never showed his face after 9 months.
I was the greatest weapon.
I was the one they were coming after.
They were all afraid.
And what do people so when they're afraid?
They attack.
"Oh crap." I repeated.
Oh crap.x A/N x
So Madi's a weapon... that's new.
Which means all the things that she has ever managed to piss off, are coming to get her. Either to use her or destroy her.
Isn't that peachy.
KEEP READING AND VOTING!Have a second beer on me!
Burgers and salads,

Begin again. (A spn fanfic)
FanficMadison Winchester, has always been a hunter. Right up till the time she was 4, she knew how to hunt almost everything. Separated from her half brothers by a coma, she finally awakens only to find she is different. Resuming her title as head hunter...