guys we need to plan out murders carefully

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I sip my juice casually, Slime sitting next to me, The door to my left opens, and Dorian walks out

"Who's this one, again?" I ask.

"Some jerk who hurt a little girl yesterday. I found him from the surveillance cameras, and told them both about it." Slime replied, as I passed Dorian a carton of apple juice.

The screams abruptly end at the sound of a snap, and I can't help but flinch away.

"Sorry guys, I'm still not entirely used to this." I sigh, slightly ashamed my killing urges aren't as strong as the others.

"Don't worry about it Peachy, we're not going to force you to kill anyone." Luna says, as she walks out of the now blood-covered room. She holds a hand out for a carton, but I refrain from giving it to her.

"Wash your hands – you can't leave bloody fingerprints on anything." I say – pointing her in the direction of the nearest bathroom in the area. "The door's open, don't touch it until your hands are clean, then use your sleeves."

She sighs angrily, but follows my instructions anyway. She returns still in a slight huff, but with clean hands. Her face brightens when I chuck her a carton.

"So how'd you end it?" Dorian cheerfully asks Luna.

"A simple crack of the neck was all it took."

"But you weren't done there." Slime blatantly states, smiling. Dorian shifts around, excited to hear the rest.

Luna smirks. "Of course not – he hurt a child, and besides, we need to hide evidence of identification and etcetera."

I laugh, "You're crazy!"

Luna slips her arm through Dorian's and with her other hand ruffles my hair.

"That's why you love me!" She cheers, making us all laugh.

"If you guys would prefer, I can clean up the room, while you all... clean up yourselves." Slime says, staring at the bloody clothing Dorian and Luna are wearing. They both wave and walk of, hopefully to clean up and NOT to go on another murder spree.

"Peachy, you need to keep them in check, go, its alright." Slime says to me, starting to clean the bloody room.

"No way!" I say following her into the mess. "I'm sure they're not going... too crazy... besides, I'd hate for you to be by yourself – that's one of the worst things in the world to experience."

Slime smiles at me, and we began cleaning up.

Across town...

"Yes, DIE PATHETIC MORTAL!" Luna skrieks, cackling like crazy, as she digs a knife into the back of a man called 'Vernon'.

People scream in fear as the houses behind them burn, thanks to Dorian standing by the houses with a massive carton of gasoline and a box of matches, also cackling.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad..." I mutter under my breath, before pushing the thought aside, and beginning to help Slime clean up.

Hey guys I'm starting a skit book – I really don't know what I'm doing besides the fact that I WANT to write this, so here we go XD

Thanks to:




For inspiring me to write this.

And, if you want more of us, @slimegirl7744 is writing a Harry Potter story featuring us as OC's, called 'Screw the Dursleys, I have friends!' Check it out if you'd like.

Since this story is mainly a skit story, I'll be regularly updating it (hopefully lol)

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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