I dont even know this time - emotional output chapter HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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I sit up in bed, hearing the commotion downstairs.

Slime is watching over Luna and Dorian – who are supposed to be watching Hannah in the living room. They're currently trying to figure out what's going on and why Hannah would resort to such lengths to take Slime back to her old town. Because of the traumatic events, Dorian and Luna said we could stay upstairs if we wanted. I accepted but Slime wanted to make sure they didn't harm Hannah out of anger.

I feel guilty for not being there with them, but I couldn't stop the words Hannah said to me from entering my mind. I can't stop thinking about it. Am I really... that bad?

My mind shifts to the last time the four of us went on a killing run.

It was a couple weeks ago. Dorian wanted this kill – a boy named Dudley. I was standing behind them, more focused on not leaving any trails behind, to reduce police attention. Luna and Dorian were brutally attacking this boy, and Slime was making sure Luna wasn't going to kill him before Dorian could.

I calmly started mopping up the blood, starting where the blood was furthest from the body. The attack happened in an alley, so the blood hadn't gone too far. I turned around to face the others, and at the time I wondered what it would be like to be that powerful – to be able to kill another human being – like they do.

As I was drifting around through my thoughts, I didn't notice someone approach me from behind.

"Ahh!" I coughed, a hand around my neck, another around my waist. None of us realised Dudley had goons, we thought he was a friendless loser who liked to pick on others weaker than him.

We weren't careful enough.

I wasn't careful enough.

At first, none of them seemed to notice my... predicament, as they were too focused on beating up this guy. Until the person holding me swung me around and shoved my face into the alley wall, making me scream. I coughed a little, blood emerging from my mouth.

It was as if the battlefield had died. All noises stopped and the girls turned and looked towards me in horror.

"Peachy, are you okay?" Dorian asked. I felt so guilty, this was supposed to be her moment and I ruined it with my lack of observational skills.

I nodded, and tried to talk, but the blood in my throat made it a challenge to speak. The mysterious person holding me aimed my head forward toward the floor, and I coughed up a stream of blood.

"Y – yeah." I said in return. "Please don't worry about me, continue with your w - *cough* - ork."

Once I said that, I got kicked in the stomach, making me cough more blood. I remember thinking that coughing up such a large amount of blood was probably not healthy.

After they finished kicking me, I reopened my eyes, and saw Slime sprint down the other end of the alley. I was glad she made it out okay, although a small part of my mind felt angry and betrayed she'd left me in such a vulnerable state.

"We'll make an exchange – this ugly chick for Dudley." A man's voice could be heard from behind me.

"Call her by her fucking name, you dick!" Luna retorted back. I remember this very well too – as I was shocked she put me in front of her favourite pastime. Or at least even considered the matter.

But I knew the truth. "Guys." I coughed again, feeling a horrid burn in my stomach and throat. "Please, don't. It's not worth it to make this trade."

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