The personal space break in - RUN FOR YO LUFE

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"No, no, no, no, NO!" Slime yells, blocking the door with her arms.

"Just one peek!!" Dorian begs her.

"If you even try to move my arms from this door, I will rip yours off." She replies sternly. Dorian takes a step back, unnerved by her sudden threats, before coming up with an idea.

"Well... I was going to bake some cookies after looking at your newly decorated room, but I guess if you refuse to show me your room then I guess I can't bake any-"

"Here's my room!" Slime jumps in, shoving the door open wide, and practically shoving Dorian inside. Luna and I quickly follow Dorian inside, both of us also extremely curious.

"Damn it! Why're you both here too? Dorian?!"

"Uhh... just remember the cookies!" Dorian says frantically, trying to divert her attention. Slime sighs, angry but also dejectedly, and continues to allow the others to enter her room.

"If it wasn't for me, you'd all be dead, or arrested by now." Slime mutters under her breath.

"No army can handle me!" Luna boldly claims.

"Regardless of how true you believe that statement to be, you need to be realistic. If thousands of guards tried to arrest you at once – even if all three of us-"

"All three?" I interrupt.

"Peachy – you can't properly fight." Slime briefly explains. I flush from embarrassment, as she continues, "even if the three of us fight at once, we WILL be overtaken by the numerous guards – which is why you need me: to carefully plan and perfect each urge of... violence you two decide to act upon. The moral support Peachy decides to give is miniscule to the effort and hard work I put in to make sure you both don't get caught!"

Luna scowls but doesn't say anything more.

"Uhh, so your room!" Dorian says to change the subject. "It's really... umm..." She trails off, looking around the room.

Slime sighs. "I didn't really want you guys in here – because of how messy it is. Until I met you guys I didn't have a room all to myself – nor did I have any opportunity to decorate it. So when I got this room, I... went a little crazy.

"A little?" Luna asks condescendingly, staring at all the random knickknacks on the shelves and the... detailed posters on the walls.

"Luna, you have no right to complain. After you killed Vernon, you had his head propped on you door for five weeks!!" I say, trying to defend Slime (who honestly didn't need defending).

"Peachy, that was necessary – I had to prove I was better than those disgusting-"


"What?" we mutter, walking out of Slime's room. Looking down the stairs, we notice a shadow by the front door.

"Oh, that must be the postman!" I say.

"No shit, Sherlock" Luna teases me, grinning at my annoyance.

As Luna and Dorian jeer and mock me, Slime does the NORMAL thing, and answers the door.

"Hello, I have a parcel for..."

The observant postman notices my weak attempts and murder and mutilation and grows slightly concerned as Luna and Dorian prepare to retaliate.

"Uhh, don't worry about them, they're just messing around – RIGHT?!" Slime says, giving us the death glare. We freeze, Luna holding me upside down by the ankle.

"Yeah! We're umm, just messing around." Dorian says, nudging Luna to put me down. She does, and I do my best to refrain from yelling from the pain at being dropped on the head. The postman hands Slime the parcel and shuts the door.

"What the hell was that for?" I ask angrily, rubbing my head.

"Well its not like you could get any stupider." Luna teases again.

"Guys." Slime interrupts. "We should probably open this."

She begins to slowly tear the tape off and open the box – before Luna impatiently snatches it away and opens it herself. Slime grabs the item inside, while Luna grabs the letter, tears it open, and begins to read.

"Dear Slime," Luna reads. "It's been a long time. I've decided to visit you and see how you and your... friends, are doing. From Hannah. What does she mean by 'dot, dot, dot friends?' Our friendship is so awesome, it cannot be contained!!"

"Luna." Slime interrupts, "Stop." She tightly clutches the object in her hands.

A music box.

"I... I'm not sure if I can handle this." Slime says, clutching the box even tighter.

"What do you mean? Who even is this Hannah person?"

Slime sighs again. "She's... my annoying twin sister."

Hey everyone, I'm back! Slime, please don't kill me, I probably should've told you about this first but Dorian and I were discussing the future of this book and some plot points and stuff and this idea came up and... yeah.

Hannah is basically this annoying twin sister who tries to get us to stop killing people (such a HORRIBLE PERSON, trying to get us to STOP KILLING PEOPLE) and stuff. Slime and Hannah have a rough history (Slime if you want to create a backstory for Hannah that you're happy with that would be better – I don't want to accidentally bring up any bad experiences you've actually had IRL) and have been separated for many years, as Slime's decision.

Hannah's main goal is to persuade Slime to return home, by any means necessary.

Next update will actually be a floor plan of the house we're all living in – not a drawing because I cant draw to save my life, but a description of the house, as though someone was walking through it and seeing every room inside. Everyone's bedrooms will probably not be described (unless you guys want them to be – if so PM me with things you'd want in your bedroom Slime, Luna and Dorian), however the living room, kitchen, etc will be.

The update after, however, will be a continuation of this short plot line.

Hope you enjoy!

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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