Horror? F*CK IT UP!

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Tammy and I are happily strolling along the pavement late at night... like idiots do.

"How did you find that movie?" I ask her as we walk past some closed shops.

"It was good - I just wish that not all the openings were so late at night..." She replies, and I nod in agreement. We clasp hands and I lean my head on her shoulder for a brief second, before realising we are WALKING, so I stop that and straighten back up.

Our hands still held, we laugh together about how Luna broke our car earlier that day, forcing us to have to walk their and back. We swap stories and in general have fun together as we walk.

That was until...

"Hey... Tammy..." I mutter, catching her attention by using her name.

"Yeah? You okay?"

"I think so but umm... that guy behind us has been following us for the last couple blocks."

"Well maybe his house is around here?"

"I don't think so... watch this."

I deliberately slow down and turn around. From the corner of my eye I can see the man scramble to hide behind a shop building and by the time I fully turn around I can't see him.

"That's... strange." Tammy mutters. I nod in agreement and we start to walk slightly quicker.

"Should we take the shortcut today?" I ask. "It'll get us home - and out of danger - sooner, but it's a very dark, narrow street and I don't know..."

"I think we can, we just need to hurry." Tams says to me, as we pass into the alleyway shortcut. She grips tighter onto my wrist and yells: "prepare to run!"

I let out a small shout as Tammy instantly starts sprinting, me desperately trying to keep up, while constantly checking behind us for the man. As soon as I see his shadow, I forcefully halt Tams, and we begin to walk again.

I use a pocket-mirror to look behind us, and I see the man turn into the alleyway and physically stop in surprise at how far ahead of him we are.

"He seems surprised." I whisper to Tams, while I pretend to 'fix' my hair with the mirror. However, I notice he starts walking again, a little bit quicker.

"Crap, he's moving faster!" I whisper again, more frantically. We try to pick up our pace, but he notices and starts moving even faster.

Suddenly he trips and falls to the ground. We hear the THUD and spin around, to see his body sprawled out on the floor.

"Is... is he okay?" I ask Tammy, taking a cautious step towards him. "Maybe I should-"

Tammy grabs hold of my wrist and pulls me away with all her strength.

"Don't even think about it - RUN!"

She yanks me back to her, and we sprint off. I take a quick glance over my shoulder, and spot him, running too, towards us. I guess that fall was just a ruse.

"Fuck, we gotta move faster!" I yell, and we somehow find enough loose energy within us to sprint even faster than before.

We get to our driveway, the man within finger distance from us.

"SLIME! LUNA! DORIAN!" We scream, praying that at least one of them is up, and that our emergency shotgun is loaded. As we reach the door, it bursts open, and Slime and Luna rush out. With tears streaming down our faces, we point to the man behind us, now looking slightly apprehensive.

"He... He..." We couldn't get much more out than that, and collapsed from exhaustion and fear onto the sidewalk. Dorian - who apparently was asleep and had just stumbled out of the door - noticed us and quickly helped us inside, and made us some hot chocolate (Tammy's favourite drink).

"Are you both okay?"

"Yeah..." Tammy answered for me. "But I think Peachy is still in shock."

At hearing Tammy say my name, I slam my drink back onto the counter and give her a hug, crying. "Tammy, I'm so sorry I almost got us killed, I didn't mean to, he looked hurt and I..."

As I was throwing out apology after apology, Tammy consoled me while explaining what happened to Dorian. She peeked outside to get a better look at the man.

"Yeah, I remember seeing him on the news."

She slowly walked up to the front door, and shouted out to Slime and Luna:


Tammy and I both freeze at the words, realising the shit we would've gotten into if he had caught us. We decided not to throw a fit when Luna and Slime both returned, dripping blood onto our new carpet. Instead, we gave them a hug, and Dorian baked us cookies.

It was a nice night.

Okay so this is me trying to write horror lol - I'm not very good but practise is important!

What did you guys think?

But for now...

Peachy out! 😊

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