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Theo's pov

The next morning, I rummaged through the refrigerator. The stocks were running low and we were just too lazy to lift our asses and go steal something from the store. But eventually, we will have to survive. When I found nothing, not even butter, with disappointment I realized that our breakfast that day would probably consist only of dry bread sprinkled with sugar. Again. Boris specialty.

I was preparing breakfast while Boris came down to the kitchen, so I realized his presence when I heard a loud yawn behind me. I looked around and grinned at him. But my smile froze when I saw how depressed he was. Black circles under reddish eyes, unhealthy gray skin, hair standing on all directions, and a loose shirt hung on him more than usual.

"Mornin."He muttered and walked over to me. "What good are we having?"

"Looks like we got something good, Boris?" I replied sarcastically, sometimes he was really irritating - shit, he didn't see things real, and his stupid remarks just mademe anxious and boiled my blood with anger.

"There must be something ..." He began nervously rake through shelves and cabinets.While he was throwing his hands around, some things fell off, but it wasn't food, not even something after warranty. I squeezed my hands into fists, my nails dug into my sweaty palms. When dad and Xandra will return and see the state of this house - they will inherit me and eventually cast me out.

"If you haven't noticed, we don't live in a five-star hotel with service." I continued with the impious sarcasm. 

"Oh, so you drank your dose of sarcasm this morning, Potter?" He returned my tone. I gritted my teeth. We just stood there, in dangerous proximity with the murderous gaze on each other.

"Maybe if you moved your ass we could have been in the store long ago."

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm tired as fuck." He threw himself on chair and supported his head on his knees. "Kotku broke up with me yesterday, suka blyat,  do you really think I can function today ?!"

I stared at him in surprise, even opened my mouth, damn, I looked like a fish on dry land. So this put him down? I underestimated fucking Kotku . . .

"You will have to," I replied coldly, turning back to the kitchen counter and finishing our poor attempt of food. I was already going to turn around when Boris came behind me like a whirlwind and flew the shelves again.

"I don't think you'll find anything there for the second time." I frowned, but to my astonishment, Boris pulled out a bag of white powder, and in the corner laid an open package with the last round biscuit.

"Ha!" He waved with it triumphantly. I reached for him and simply grabbed the cookie.

"Hey, I found it! Idti doma !"

"This is my house, you idiot!" I shouted at him. Then we started fighting for the last meal. He hit me in the shoulder(the next day there was a big yellow bruise left), I hit him in the jaw. Boris leaned over, grabbed my wrist, and put my fingers with the biscuit in his mouth, it was fucking gone just like that, only the saliva of Boris remained on my fingers. I cringed in disgust and wiped my whole hand in my shirt. In addition to our battle, we tore down slices of bread with sugar, which ended up on the floor. When we calmed down, Boris said he could eat them, he wouldn't mind, but I just cringed.

Then we both sat in silence at the kitchen table with empty growling stomachs.

"At least we have thiiiiis, Potter..." Boris sang in a suddenly good mood and waved with a pocket full of white. He opened it. "Wow, that's a lot of coke, I bet Xandra hides it all over the house. You have a treasure in front of you, Potter, a treasure!" He melted while he was drawing a line. I didn't notice him much, I was just wondering in my thoughts how we got into this fucking obscure situation.

After we snorted some coke, we ended up sprawled on the couch watching the TV, unable to move. Boris suddenly sniffed. "I miss Kotku." He moaned. "Why did she break up with me, Potter, why?" He almost cried.

I suppressed my desire to roll my eyes. I knew very well why she broke up with him. It was because of me. And Boris had to stop grieving about it.

"Can you just shut the fuck up ?! Kotku here, Kotku there. Who has  to listen to that?!" I finally said my opinion with a serious voice.

"I knew it! You are jealous!"Boris pointed at me. "Kotku! Kotku! Kotku!" He began to deliberately repeat her name.

"You, look at yourself. You're obsessed with her!"

For a moment he remained silent and I wondered, Boris almost always had equal arguments. Then he suddenly began to laugh for no reason, the couch and his curly head shook with him.

"What is so funny, dickhead?"

"This is the first time I got some emotions from you."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"I noticed it. Every time I talk about Kotka you get mad like never before. Theo, you can't say a word to me in the morning. You're practically ashamed of sleeping with me in one bed, refusing to talk about it, just admit it!"

"I'm too sober for this shit you saying." I gritted through my teeth, I had no idea what to say for my defense, the old known anxiety had returned, I stood up from the couch and headed for the kitchen in quick steps.

Unfortunately, Borisfollowed me. He leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed on his bony chest, looking important while I was scanning through the fridge until I found the last drops of vodka.

"Yes, precisely, Potter. Bravo! If you can't handle a normal human conversation, you're going to get yourself to absolute shit. Just go get your dose, you fucking alcoholic!"

"That's the right person saying, who is drinking since he was ten years old!" I wanted to hit him.

"It's different." He waved his hand. "I drink because I want to feel fine, happy. You want to destroy yourself, feel nothing."

I just stayed speechless. Then I walked around him, gave him a bitter gaze, and with the bottle in my hand, I rolled back on the same couch.



Though Potter said he wasn't jealous, his yesterday's rollick when he was pulling my clothes off at the fucking front door of his house like the last horny slut talked about something else. I wanted to remind him that morning, shout it out of my throat at him, but I knew it wouldn't help. What good would it do? Theo would turn the topic on to something else even on a subtle hint or claim that he had absolutely no memory of yesterday. It was a really lost desperate case. And this time I didn't even have Kotku left. I was getting tired from all of this.  My father, Kotku's break up, Theo's repression. Maybe I just need to remind him, I thought back then, how much I actually care about him. I was probably the only one in his sad universe. Except for his dead mother. Sometimes I thought that Theo just didn't belong to this world.

When I noticed that he was already drunk - he was practically lying on the couch and still babbling incomprehensibly, I leaned over and quieted him by crushing my lips to his. He seems to have not forgotten his hunger from last night because he pulled me closer by my hair as if he wanted to become one.

boreo ; 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔩𝔢𝔰:Where stories live. Discover now