Chapter 6 A New Day

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I slowly drifted asleep on my feather pillow. I was smothered between the warmth of my purple galaxy and my red fleece blanket.

I felt my eyes weigh down, they got heavier each second. I don't know why, but I tried hard to fight it. I tried to move to keep myself awake, but my body wouldn't budge.

I stood in the middle of a ballroom.

It looked like it belonged to the Beast's castle in Beauty and the Beast.

I examined myself to notice that I was wearing a knee length dress. The top part around my bust was black with a shimmering diamond in the middle of my chest. The bottom half was a pearl white and puffed out, making it a little shorter. My shoes were sequence decorated high heals.

In the distance was a vanity. I had to look at myself.

My hair was in large curls and a white, light pink, and baby blue flower tiara rested on my head. I had on a necklace of a very tiny message bottle with what looked like glitter.
The bottle had a circular metal plate, which read, "Here are my dreams, Love. Hold them close." I smiled at the quote.

The emptiness rang in silence.

"Cassandra. Are you ready?" A mellow, cherry voice came from nowhere. I looked and circled around like an idiot. Because nobody was there.
"My child. It is almost time for the prophecy to be fulfilled."
"What prophecy?"
"No need to worry. It will take more than one to fulfill it. In a few days, you will encounter a strike of shock. At first, you will think that you are dreaming, but remember. Only this is the dream. Remember that this one time is your only clue. I tend to warn you that it will be scary at first, but I'm sure that you have dreamed of finding your true love, no?"
"My true love? What do you mean"
"You know, my dear, you know. You also know who I am. I still live, but in MY world. I was not meant to live on Earth."
"What? I don't think I know you."
"I love you, darling. I need you to know one thing."
"What is it?"
"I will never leave you. I will always be right here. I promised. And you will be given some abilities that will be activated my your love, courage, sacrifice, and when you need them. And Cassy, you are not who you think you are. Yes half fairy, but your other identity is dangerous and gives you dangerous urges that you must fight. Good luck. I love you."
"Wait... Melvin? Melvin, I love you too. But, I don't get it, what do you mean?"


"Can you do one thing for me?"
"Of course."
"I really need you. Cassy, I need you to wake up. Cassy! Wake up!"

My eyes slowly opened.

"Okay, Melvin."

My opened my eyes to have Ember like four inches from my face.

"Good god child don't ever do that again!"
I scrunched my eyes in Curiosity.

"You know you were asleep for three days right?"

Three days?

Wait, Melvin said in a few days.

I nearly head-but her as I jumped up an ran to my closet.

I through on a pair of holey skinny jeans, they make my butt look good. And a coral cami with an off white cardigan and converse.

I took off down stairs and out the front door and ignored all the questions and yelling that Ember spat at me.

I ne'er ran so fast in my life. Well I have, but that's not the point.

I remembered that I didn't grab my inhaler, so I came to a sudden hault as my throat still stung and my breathing was short.

By that time, I had reached the waterfall. I dropped to my knees and splashed some water in my face. If I didn't know it was purer than bottled water then I wouldn't have drank some.

The area was quiet.

I glanced up at the sky. Oh. The sun wasn't put yet. The only sous was that of crickets and an owl in the distance. I followed the stream downward and observed the nights sky.

"Oh! Agh!" Bad idea. I blame gravity for my clumsiness.

I rolled on my back.

"Ugh! Ouch. Hope I don't have a concussion."
I rubbed my head as I sat up and crossed my legs.

"Are you okay?" I think I just heard the sexiest voice. And I'm not sure that someone's voice can be sexy. It was kind if deep, masculine and husky.

"Uhm... Maybe." I felt a pair of arms wrap under my arms and pull me up. I dusted myself off and turned to thank the stranger.

"Thanks." He was incredibly handsome. His chiseled features accented his golden locks. His hair was accented by his blue-violet eyes. His biceps were accented by his height. And he was accented by his accent.

He was so dreamy.

"No problem, but may I ask, what are you doing out this early? And what are you?"

"It's a long story and I am..." I scanned him once more. He had legs, wings, and a set of horns. So I don't have to lie.

"Well, my mother was the fairy queen and my father was a human, if that's what you mean."

His eyes widened in the moonlight. The stars hid in his eyes and his jaw dropped.

"It's not possible."
"What do you mean? What's not possible?"
"May I just ask you why you came out here tonight?"
"We'll besides the fact that I fall asleep and have a dream that I'm in a ballroom and in a fancy dress, then this one guy I knew as a child, who I was told was dead. He started talking to me about a prophecy. And well I fell asleep three days ago."
"Wait... You did too?"
"What know a dead guy?"
"No, had that dream. And I had that dream three days ago, my father said he wanted me to get a head start because I walked here. I haven't been here since I was a child, then my best friend moved, the guardians died and so did my father."
"I'm sorry to hear that, but I haven't been here since I was young, then some stuff happened..."
"What's your name?"
"Cassandra Grace, but only three people have ever called me Cassy. Call me Cas."

Her Love, Her Magic, Her ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now